Glad you like the theme Phil, thanks for using Ignite ??
To answer your questions:
I’m finding that when I make the post sticky I cannot change the font size, bold, italic, color, but these changes do show up on when I click to view the post itslef.
The style changes won’t show up in the excerpts. The excerpts are designed to strip the styles to keep a consistent look.
My ideal goal would be to get a sticky featured image without post title, without the boarder, author, or more button showing for the sticky post.
The following CSS added to your child theme will accomplish that:
.sticky .excerpt-meta-top, .sticky .excerpt-header, .sticky .more-link, .sticky .excerpt-categories, .sticky .excerpt-tags {display: none;}
If you also want to remove the excerpt, use this:
.sticky .excerpt-meta-top, .sticky .excerpt-header, .sticky .excerpt-content, .sticky .excerpt-categories, .sticky .excerpt-tags {display: none;}
Those styles are specific to the sticky post only.
Can we change the theme background color in the Ignite Plus version?
No, not right now. However, that would be a good addition.
Can we change the spacing from the top post to the heading?
Yes, you can increase the padding-top of .main
which contains all the posts. Make sure to increase the padding-top on the sidebar as well for a consistent look.