Hi there – is it possible for you to provide a link to your site? It’s always easier to assist if I can look at the site directly. ??
If you can’t link to your site, could you provide a screenshot?
Here’s a guide on how to make a screenshot:
You can upload the screenshot – in a graphic format like JPG, PNG, or PDF – in your Media Library, and provide a link so I can see it, or upload it with a service like Imgur or Snaggy.
Is there a way to remove the grey band on the bottom of the header image?
Are you referring to the grey overlay at the bottom of the slider? (The slider and the custom header are two different things.)

Is there away I can custom code this to that the image appears 1200 x 138.
This CSS will reduce the height of the custom header without needing to change any of the functions that handle the custom header:
.has-thumbnail .entry-header {
height: 138px;
You may need to still upload a larger header and let the CSS handle the cropping.
Don’t edit the theme files directly, otherwise your changes will be overwritten whenever the theme is updated.
An easy way to add custom CSS is to install the Jetpack plugin and activate the Custom CSS module. You’ll then add your custom CSS in the new stylesheet editor that’ll appear in your dashboard, under Appearance > Edit CSS.
As alternatives, you could either install a standalone custom CSS plugin, or create a child theme.