• Can anyone offer a help?
    How to make a head image for Kubrik, is there ant tutorial or online guide
    Thanks in advance

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  • create an image, save as personalheader.jpg and drop it in your images folder. that’s the easiest way to do it, and i think it even says this (commented out) in the code.

    its a psd file. design your image in photoshop, save it as personalheader.jpg as shep mentioned and drop it in the images folder in your WP root

    theres a photoshop file with the kubrick download (as anonymous pointed out) and you replace the header in that with your chosen image, indeed you can also change background colours and stuff. Then export for web from within photoshop, which will save all the appropriate files and then upload those to your server, replacing the original kubrick images.
    you could try here – https://flickr.com/groups/binarybonsai/ – for fellow kubrick users.

    I would like to go on the record that despite how “easy” everyone makes it seem…. it isn’t. I had one helluva time modifying my images. Not everyone has photoshop first off – Yes there are alternatives (I use GIMP) – but one still needs to have the ability to use it effectively. I don’t know how many hours I spent just trying to change the white in the Kubrik files to the beige-y color I wanted. I ended up tossing out the drop shadow and the entire graphics and staring from scratch. The instructions that were included were not all that intuitive and didn’t make sense once I started looking at the psd files and the layers involved.
    I like hte Kubrick template, it’s effective and laid out well. It’s jsut the graphics that were a pain. I just wish that there was an easier way to modify those files. Especialy for those of us who are not graphic designers.

    Tinker with photoshop (or alternative) until you get to the level needed to do the job.. isn’t that how we learn to do anything? ??
    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight…. because I have that kind of time….. Okaaay.
    What easier way? Perhapse some “better” help for non-Photoshop people?
    Honestly. I don’t see how it can be any easier. If you arn’t proficient with the tools needed to do it, it’s not his fault. ?? Forget the psd file and open the kubrickheader.jpg and other files directly and edit away. That may be easier.
    In the end that’s what I ended up doing …. I found the images I wanted, made blank canvases of the right size, pasted, blended a few items, cropped and viola! done. Took me an hour to get all the graphics I wanted that way. As opposed to trying to do it the PS way w/ layers and all that crap – two nights of my life I won’t get back.
    Also, I’m not saying it’s anyone’s fault. What I was complaining about what the fact that every one seems to be of the attitude, “oh, well, it’s as easy as……” Easy my ass. I don’t do this kind of stuff for a living and I don’t want to. It’s not like I have a ton of time to sit around and fart with it. I simply don’t.
    Maybe it would have been easier w/ PS. But it’s not something everyone has.

    Also, I'm not saying it's anyone's fault. What I was complaining about what the fact that every one seems to be of the attitude, "oh, well, it's as easy as......" Easy my ass. I don't do this kind of stuff for a living and I don't want to. It's not like I have a ton of time to sit around and fart with it. I simply don't.
    Someone needs to find a new hobby if it’s making you this worked up.

    why wont it let me edit this last post? It keeps saying I have to wit 60 seconds – it’s been about 5 minutes.

    well, i think we assumed that you had some basic graphic knowledge if you are creating a website. obviously if you were looking to replace the header, then you had some image in mind, so i told you to make that image the personalheader.jpg.

    are you aware you CAN remove the images and just use CSS?

    Someone needs to find a new hobby if it’s making you this worked up. at least it’s something alegedly as simple as this. Besides I do have a hobby, and it doesn’t involve farting around with a psd file. Pays better too.
    shep – follow the thread – I wasn’t the one who started this. I simply wanted to go on the record that “simply” changing the colors in the supplied PS file is not as simple as many people make it out to be.
    some – yeah…. but then I wouldn’t have any images then wouldn’t I? Defeats the purpose.

    Funny, I’ve never gotten paid for any of my sites. I do it so that I’m constantly learning and improving my skills. Just like having to know PHP or SQL to be able to hack on WordPress – you have to aquire Photoshop/editor skills to work with graphics. If you don’t want to “fart around” with the programs neccisary to accomplish what you want – then use the default template and be done with it.

    Also, I'm not saying it's anyone's fault. What I was complaining about what the fact that every one seems to be of the attitude, "oh, well, it's as easy as......" Easy my ass. I don't do this kind of stuff for a living and I don't want to. It's not like I have a ton of time to sit around and fart with it. I simply don't.

    You surely have to expect to have to learn some new skills if youre going to be tweaking it. If you dont have the time or inclination then you could always use one of the free web based blogging systems.

    I would like to know what’s the next step after uploading my personalheader.jpg for replacing my header image. Do I need to rename it as kubrickheader.jpg, like TechGnome mentions, instead though since I don’t see any change yet after uploading? Thanks in advance!

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