Thank you very much for the prompt reply David. I do appreciate it.
But….. I’m still having trouble with the tags. And what I mean by the picture tag choice is, the input for the picture tag. I mean,it’s right there on the Media Library Attachment page. In the lower right hand side of the page. There’s
Categories <- Click to toggle
Tags <- Click to toggle
Picture tag <- Click to toggle
Project Types <- Click to toggle
And so on.
I’ve been giving my images tags via the Picture Tag. But after you reply, I tried giving a few images tags with the Att. Tag choice (I assume this is an “Attachment Tag”? What’s the difference?). I used the shortcode you mentioned above after I added a few tags in the Att. Tag Choice. But these aren’t show up in the Att. tag drop-down when editing the image. Even manually adding them (via the drop-down box) doesn’t add them, they never appear. But, with the short-code, the tags do appear in the side bar when displayed as a web page. If you click on the tag, it says there are no images.
But, more importantly to me right now is, I just would like to just find basic how-tos. Could you recommend some good resources that I could pick up some beginner advice on using your plugin? A forum or community or Youtube Channel? The documentation you provide is quite exhaustive, and if I could understand it, Im sure I could pick up a lot. But just the reply you gave me above, it would take me a few hours just to digest what you said and break it down to where I understand how to apply it.
Anyway, David, I’ve tried my best to describe what’s going on with my tag problem. I’m sorry if I’m not clear. But again, any beginner/novice resources that would help me translate things like the WordPress Codexes and the documentation included with MLA would be very appreciated. At least that way I could probably actually explain the problem I’m having.