• Resolved Philbeaux


    I’m trying to do some things with image galleries and WordPress and was told your plugin may be what I need. I want to display Albums of Galleries made up of images filtered by tags.
    I’ll begin by saying I’m very new to WordPress and Image Galleries to begin with – the term “knows just enough to be dangerous” would probably describe me very well.
    So I decided to begin with just a few simple shortcodes just to see how it works. I placed [mla_tag_cloud] in a text widget on the side-bar just to see what happens.
    Well, instead of the tags I assigned with the “picture tag” choice in the Media Library, I got a list of the tags defined in WordPress for posts.
    I also tried [mla_gallery tags="name_of_picture_tag"] and that just produced a blank.
    I’m sure I’m doing something wrong.


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  • Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your question and the outline of your experiments so far. WordPress and MLA are powerful but it can be confusing to find your way around at first.

    I am not sure what you mean by “the “picture tag” choice in the Media Library” but I would guess that you have assigned some terms to the “Att. Tags” taxonomy provided by MLA; is that right?

    The Att. Tags and Att. Categories taxonomies provided by MLA are similar in purpose but distinct from the Categories and Tags taxonomies that WordPress provides for posts and pages. Most users decide to separate terms for posts/pages from terms for Media Library items.

    For the [mla_tag+cloud] shortcode you can display the “Att. Tags” taxonomy by coding [mla_tag_cloud taxonomy=attachment_tag] or Att. Categories by coding [mla_tag_cloud taxonomy=attachment_category]. You will, however, have to do some additional work to get the links behind the cloud terms to display something sensible. Have a look at the “Tag Cloud and Gallery” example in the “MLA Gallery Examples” section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for one simple solution. Here’s a link to another support topic with more information you might ifnd useful:

    404 for attachment_category pages

    For the [mla_gallery] shortcode you can change your example to something like [mla_gallery attachment_tag="name_of_picture_tag"], although you will need to replace name_of_picture_tag with one of the actual name/slug values from your Att. Tags taxonomy terms.

    I am marking this topic resolved because your immediate questions have been answered. Please update it if you have problems or further questions about the above suggestions or any other aspect of using categories and tags to organize and display your Media Library items. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.

    Thread Starter Philbeaux


    Thank you very much for the prompt reply David. I do appreciate it.
    But….. I’m still having trouble with the tags. And what I mean by the picture tag choice is, the input for the picture tag. I mean,it’s right there on the Media Library Attachment page. In the lower right hand side of the page. There’s

    Categories <- Click to toggle
    Tags <- Click to toggle
    Picture tag <- Click to toggle
    Project Types <- Click to toggle

    And so on.
    I’ve been giving my images tags via the Picture Tag. But after you reply, I tried giving a few images tags with the Att. Tag choice (I assume this is an “Attachment Tag”? What’s the difference?). I used the shortcode you mentioned above after I added a few tags in the Att. Tag Choice. But these aren’t show up in the Att. tag drop-down when editing the image. Even manually adding them (via the drop-down box) doesn’t add them, they never appear. But, with the short-code, the tags do appear in the side bar when displayed as a web page. If you click on the tag, it says there are no images.

    But, more importantly to me right now is, I just would like to just find basic how-tos. Could you recommend some good resources that I could pick up some beginner advice on using your plugin? A forum or community or Youtube Channel? The documentation you provide is quite exhaustive, and if I could understand it, Im sure I could pick up a lot. But just the reply you gave me above, it would take me a few hours just to digest what you said and break it down to where I understand how to apply it.

    Anyway, David, I’ve tried my best to describe what’s going on with my tag problem. I’m sorry if I’m not clear. But again, any beginner/novice resources that would help me translate things like the WordPress Codexes and the documentation included with MLA would be very appreciated. At least that way I could probably actually explain the problem I’m having.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your update with the additional information regarding your site and its taxonomies. I have a much better idea of your situation. I know the MLA documentation is more reference than tutorial, exhaustive and exhausting. I regret that I don’t have the time and talent to prepare more materials and video tutorials. That’s partly why I devote my time to working through support requests.

    About taxnonomies – WordPress provides Categories and Tags for posts and pages. WordPress also supports custom taxonomies that sites/applications can use for organizing anything. MLA adds two custom taxonomies, Att. Categories and Att. Tags, and makes them available for Media Library items. MLA also lets you add support for other custom taxonomies by checking various Taxonomy Support boxes on the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab.

    It looks like some other plugin or theme has added taxonomies including “Picture tag” and “Project Types” to your site; is that right? I believe that Picture Tag and Att. Tag are just two different solutions for the same task of organizing your images; either one should work.

    I’m not sure why the term assignment isn’t working for you, but I will work with you to find out and fix it. It will be more productive to communicate by email. If you send me your contact information I will respond with an email address we can use to continue the dialog. You can use the Contact Us page at our web site:

    Fair Trade Judaica/Contact Us

    Do not post your e-mail address in the forum; personal details in a public forum violates WordPress guidelines. If you have trouble accessing the FTJ site, post a note here with your country of origin and I can temporarily unblock it. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your patience and your understanding.

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