<<<I have used Tidy Up
I just don’t get this. You publish TEXT, not a webpage written in HTML… so what on the erath are you doing with tidy?>>>
You are aware of the plugin Tidy Up? It is written for WP. It is used to check to make sure you don’t have errors in your posts (HTML).
Asking why I might be using it means that you are not fully understanding the breadth of the potential problem. It IS possible that I have or had cut and pasted formatting from another site, when I for example, might have quoted a site. This may or may not be the problem. It is also possible that an idiot like me goes back in, after reading my post, to edit, and then I see formatting disappear, just like the other gentleman is stating happens to him. So in order for this layman to “fix” it, perhaps I have inserted hard HTML code to make it happen,… maybe I have made a mistake in the past with that… not sure. But to answer your question, the reason you use things like Tidy Up is because you are not able to completely understand the source of the problem, and you are not able to get better answers from those who might know- like say, the folks who write the dang code and live in the world of code.
<<ckortman>>, you are right, and I don’t expect everyone on this site to know the answers, or to hold my hand and fix them. On the other hand, I don’t expect them to come back with my car after a test drive and say “I don’t hear the bump, so it must not be happening”… if you get my drift. Tell me my background image is too huge when I am dealing with a problem that prevents my site from even being read is kind like going to the Doctor, complaining about all of my insides not feeling right, and he says to me “You DO realize your shirt does not match your pants, don’t you???”
Losing a customer- painful to anyone here?… No, you are probably right. But I am not interested IN leaving, nor am I interested in arguing with people who don’t offer solutions but instead keep insisting the problem lies with you, figure it out.
<<AlisonMooreSm>>, what you described above is EXACTLY what happens to me when I try to fix the problem you describe. Post once, things are fine. Go back and edit, problems start to occur, and the text runs into a block without formatting for paragraphs. And from what I have read, this is not a “new” occurrence here at WP.
Now, Moshu’s response is basically “That is your problem, related to your computer or browser.” In the world of computers interfacing with programs, that is akin to saying “I don’t care.”
IMAGINE that I take the same approach with my problem, where when people who use Internet Explorer see the text field breaking format and flying off the side of the page/screen. “Your problem— it is your computer or browser.”
The RIGHT response would be:
“That is concerning.
Do this for me- can you go and edit in Firefox, and see if it happens there? Let me know what happens there.”
That is directing energy at a “solution”. “Answers” are not always “solutions”.
<<<And as I said in my email: it is your computer/browser, not WP.>>>
No- the problem really is, WP is not working with those browsers or computers, as you put it. Since WP is in the business of writing software for computers and browsers, I would humbly suggest that the problem is theirs, not “ours”. I don’t expect anyone to have perfection, or to kiss my butt and hand me a simple solution, but I also don’t expect them to say to me “your problem, figure it out.”