• I’m trying to use HLS video in the flowplayer HTML5 version 2.0.1 wordpress plugin. I have loaded a video (lemonadestand.m3u8) in the HLS video slot and under configuration I have checked the livestream and load hlsjs plugin checkboxes.

    When viewing the page I get an error that reads: “flash: Video file not found”.

    looking at the code for the page with firebug I don’t see any entry in the <head> that shows the hlsjs code being loaded. I have also checked the video file and it is in fact there. here is the <object> tag from the displayed page:

    <object class=”fp-engine” id=”obj7286045955237″ name=”obj7286045955237″ data=”//releases.flowplayer.org/6.0.5/flowplayerhls.swf” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”>
    <param name=”width” value=”100%”>
    <param name=”height” value=”100%”>
    <param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”>
    <param name=”wmode” value=”opaque”>
    <param name=”quality” value=”high”>
    <param name=”flashvars” value=”hostname=localhost&url=https://localhost/wp-4-3-3/lemonade-stand/lemonadestand.m3u8&callback=fpCallback894395088421&proxy=best&preload=metadata&live=true&debug=false&splash=false&poster=true&initialVolume=1&”>
    <param name=”movie” value=”//releases.flowplayer.org/6.0.5/flowplayerhls.swf”>
    <param name=”name” value=”obj7286045955237″>
    <param name=”bgcolor” value=”#777777″>

    The flashvars value has the correct URL and if I copy that url, “https://localhost/wp-4-3-3&#8230; and paste it into the browser, It locates without error.

    What is the proper way to get an HLS video to play with the wordpress flowplayer plugin?

    Thanks for your help.

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