• Hi all,

    Sorry if I ask noob questions, because I am a noob at wordpress.

    So I have installed wordpress 4.0.1 and my aim is to have a website with articles and news about electronics.

    I want to have categories and subcategories in the order like example below:

    – Category A
    – SubCategory A-1
    – SubCategory A-2
    – SubCategory A-3
    – Category B
    – SubCategory B-1
    – SubCategory B-2
    – SubCategory B-3
    – and so on….

    What I want to have is the main categories should be used only for single page news. But the sub categories are for articles related to the main categories (mostly multipage articles)

    For the multipage articles I already have installed a plugin which works very fine.

    But my question is how to realize this? I mean separating news and articles. For example I want to have 2 different menues on the right site with one bing ‘latest news’ and the other be ‘latest articles’. Obviously the first menu should take items from main categories only and second menu should take items from subcategories.

    I couldnt find any info on this regard *migh have been I didnt search the right terms.

    I would appriciat if you can give me some hints!


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  • lisa


    try creating custom menus
    in dashboard to to APPEARANCES>MENU
    you can use the menus you create as main navigation or in widgets on sidebar (if the theme you selected supports)
    you can add categories to a custom menu in whatever order you would like

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