• Resolved Magda



    I’m usind Lucid Theme from Elegant themes which uses the regular WP categories for the slider. I need for the Events Manager plugin to use a regular category so the slides and events are shown is the home page. I really don’t know much about php, but have the feeling that i just need to add some code to the “funtion.php” file to make it bahve the way I need it. Any help would be “MUCH” appreciated ??

    Here is the functions.php file:
    add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘et_setup_theme’ );
    if ( ! function_exists( ‘et_setup_theme’ ) ){
    function et_setup_theme(){
    global $themename, $shortname, $et_store_options_in_one_row, $default_colorscheme;
    $themename = ‘Lucid’;
    $shortname = ‘lucid’;
    $et_store_options_in_one_row = true;

    $default_colorscheme = “Default”;

    $template_directory = get_template_directory();

    require_once( $template_directory . ‘/epanel/custom_functions.php’ );

    require_once( $template_directory . ‘/includes/functions/comments.php’ );

    require_once( $template_directory . ‘/includes/functions/sidebars.php’ );

    load_theme_textdomain( ‘Lucid’, $template_directory . ‘/lang’ );

    require_once( $template_directory . ‘/epanel/core_functions.php’ );

    require_once( $template_directory . ‘/epanel/post_thumbnails_lucid.php’ );

    include( $template_directory . ‘/includes/widgets.php’ );

    require_once( $template_directory . ‘/includes/additional_functions.php’ );

    add_action( ‘init’, ‘et_register_main_menus’ );

    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘et_load_lucid_scripts’ );

    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘et_add_google_fonts’ );

    add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘et_add_viewport_meta’ );

    add_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘et_home_posts_query’ );

    add_action( ‘et_epanel_changing_options’, ‘et_delete_featured_ids_cache’ );
    add_action( ‘delete_post’, ‘et_delete_featured_ids_cache’ );
    add_action( ‘save_post’, ‘et_delete_featured_ids_cache’ );

    add_filter( ‘wp_page_menu_args’, ‘et_add_home_link’ );

    add_filter( ‘et_get_additional_color_scheme’, ‘et_remove_additional_stylesheet’ );

    add_theme_support( ‘post-formats’, array( ‘video’ ) );

    add_filter( ‘body_class’, ‘et_sidebar_left_class’ );

    add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘et_color_schemes_styles’ );

    add_action( ‘et_header_menu’, ‘et_add_mobile_navigation’ );

    add_action( ‘et_secondary_menu’, ‘et_add_secondary_mobile_navigation’ );

    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘et_add_responsive_shortcodes_css’, 11 );

    function et_register_main_menus() {
    ‘primary-menu’ => __( ‘Primary Menu’, ‘Lucid’ ),
    ‘secondary-menu’ => __( ‘Secondary Menu’, ‘Lucid’ ),
    ‘footer-menu’ => __( ‘Footer Menu’, ‘Lucid’ )

    function et_add_home_link( $args ) {
    // add Home link to the custom menu WP-Admin page
    $args[‘show_home’] = true;
    return $args;

    function et_sidebar_left_class( $body_classes ){
    global $post;

    if ( is_singular() && ‘on’ == get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘_et_left_sidebar’, true ) ) $body_classes[] = ‘et_left_sidebar’;

    if ( is_home() && ‘on’ == et_get_option( ‘lucid_home_left_sidebar’, ‘false’ ) ) $body_classes[] = ‘et_left_sidebar’;

    return $body_classes;

    function et_add_mobile_navigation(){
    echo ‘‘ . esc_html__( ‘Pages Menu’, ‘Lucid’ ) . ‘<span></span>‘;

    function et_add_secondary_mobile_navigation(){
    echo ‘‘ . esc_html__( ‘Categories Menu’, ‘Lucid’ ) . ‘<span></span>‘;

    function et_color_schemes_styles(){
    $color_scheme = et_get_option( ‘lucid_color_scheme’, ‘Orange’ );
    $theme_folder = trailingslashit( get_template_directory_uri() );

    echo ‘<style>’;
    if ( ‘Orange’ == $color_scheme ){
    echo “
    #featured .flex-direction-nav a:hover, #video-slider-section .flex-direction-nav a:hover { background-color: #ffb600; }
    #featured_section .active-slide .post-meta, #featured_section .switcher_hover .post-meta, .et_tab_link_hover .post-meta { background: #ffa500; }
    h3.main-title { background-color: #ffa500; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(255,140,0,0.1); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(255,140,0,0.1); box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(255,140,0,0.1); border: 1px solid #ff8c00; }
    .widget li { background: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-bullet.png) no-repeat 24px 24px; }
    .footer-widget li { background: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-bullet.png) no-repeat 0 4px; }
    .et_mobile_menu li a { background-image: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-bullet.png); }
    a { color: #ffa300; }
    .et_video_play { background-color: #ffa500; }
    #second-menu > ul > li > a:hover { background-color: #ffa500; }
    #second-menu ul ul li a:hover { background-color: #ffb122; }
    #second-menu ul.nav li ul { background: #ffa500; }
    #second-menu ul ul li a { border-top: 1px solid #ffb122; }
    } elseif ( ‘Blue’ == $color_scheme ){
    echo “
    #featured .flex-direction-nav a:hover, #video-slider-section .flex-direction-nav a:hover { background-color: #00befe; }
    #featured_section .active-slide .post-meta, #featured_section .switcher_hover .post-meta, .et_tab_link_hover .post-meta { background: #009cff; }
    h3.main-title { background-color: #009cff; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,133,245,0.1); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,133,245,0.1); box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,133,245,0.1); border: 1px solid #0085f5; }
    .widget li { background: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-blue-bullet.png) no-repeat 24px 24px; }
    .footer-widget li { background: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-blue-bullet.png) no-repeat 0 4px; }
    .et_mobile_menu li a { background-image: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-blue-bullet.png); }
    a { color: #009cff; }
    .et_video_play { background-color: #009cff; }
    #second-menu > ul > li > a:hover { background-color: #009cff; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); }
    #second-menu ul ul li a:hover { background-color: #33b0ff; }
    #second-menu ul.nav li ul { background: #009cff; }
    #second-menu ul ul li a { border-top: 1px solid #33b0ff; }
    } elseif ( ‘Green’ == $color_scheme ) {
    echo “
    #featured .flex-direction-nav a:hover, #video-slider-section .flex-direction-nav a:hover { background-color: #66e700; }
    #featured_section .active-slide .post-meta, #featured_section .switcher_hover .post-meta, .et_tab_link_hover .post-meta { background: #31d200; }
    h3.main-title { background-color: #31d200; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(38,184,0,0.1); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(38,184,0,0.1); box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(38,184,0,0.1); border: 1px solid #26b800; }
    .widget li { background: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-green-bullet.png) no-repeat 24px 24px; }
    .footer-widget li { background: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-green-bullet.png) no-repeat 0 4px; }
    .et_mobile_menu li a { background-image: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-green-bullet.png); }
    a { color: #31d200; }
    .et_video_play { background-color: #31d200; }
    #second-menu > ul > li > a:hover { background-color: #31d200; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); }
    #second-menu ul ul li a:hover { background-color: #36e600; }
    #second-menu ul.nav li ul { background: #31d200; }
    #second-menu ul ul li a { border-top: 1px solid #36e600; }
    } elseif ( ‘Red’ == $color_scheme ) {
    echo “
    #featured .flex-direction-nav a:hover, #video-slider-section .flex-direction-nav a:hover { background-color: #f00d0d; }
    #featured_section .active-slide .post-meta, #featured_section .switcher_hover .post-meta, .et_tab_link_hover .post-meta { background: #f00d0d; }
    h3.main-title { background-color: #f00d0d; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(207,8,8,0.1); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(207,8,8,0.1); box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(207,8,8,0.1); border: 1px solid #cf0808; }
    .widget li { background: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-red-bullet.png) no-repeat 24px 24px; }
    .footer-widget li { background: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-red-bullet.png) no-repeat 0 4px; }
    .et_mobile_menu li a { background-image: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-red-bullet.png); }
    a { color: #f00d0d; }
    .et_video_play { background-color: #f00d0d; }
    #second-menu > ul > li > a:hover { background-color: #f00d0d; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); }
    #second-menu ul ul li a:hover { background-color: #f72b2b; }
    #second-menu ul.nav li ul { background: #f00d0d; }
    #second-menu ul ul li a { border-top: 1px solid #f72b2b; }
    } elseif ( ‘Purple’ == $color_scheme ) {
    echo “
    #featured .flex-direction-nav a:hover, #video-slider-section .flex-direction-nav a:hover { background-color: #de3ef7; }
    #featured_section .active-slide .post-meta, #featured_section .switcher_hover .post-meta, .et_tab_link_hover .post-meta { background: #c30df0; }
    h3.main-title { background-color: #c30df0; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(171,11,210,0.1); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(171,11,210,0.1); box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(171,11,210,0.1); border: 1px solid #ab0bd2; }
    .widget li { background: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-purple-bullet.png) no-repeat 24px 24px; }
    .footer-widget li { background: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-purple-bullet.png) no-repeat 0 4px; }
    .et_mobile_menu li a { background-image: url({$theme_folder}images/widget-purple-bullet.png); }
    a { color: #c30df0; }
    .et_video_play { background-color: #c30df0; }
    #second-menu > ul > li > a:hover { background-color: #c30df0; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); }
    #second-menu ul ul li a:hover { background-color: #cd29f6; }
    #second-menu ul.nav li ul { background: #c30df0; }
    #second-menu ul ul li a { border-top: 1px solid #cd29f6; }

    echo ‘</style>’;

    function et_load_lucid_scripts(){
    if ( !is_admin() ){
    $template_dir = get_template_directory_uri();

    wp_enqueue_script(‘superfish’, $template_dir . ‘/js/superfish.js’, array(‘jquery’), ‘1.0’, true);
    wp_enqueue_script(‘flexslider’, $template_dir . ‘/js/jquery.flexslider-min.js’, array(‘jquery’), ‘1.0’, true);
    wp_enqueue_script(‘fitvids’, $template_dir . ‘/js/jquery.fitvids.js’, array(‘jquery’), ‘1.0’, true);
    wp_enqueue_script(‘custom_script’, $template_dir . ‘/js/custom.js’, array(‘jquery’), ‘1.0’, true);
    if ( is_singular() && get_option( ‘thread_comments’ ) ) wp_enqueue_script( ‘comment-reply’ );

    $et_gf_enqueue_fonts = array();
    $et_gf_heading_font = sanitize_text_field( et_get_option( ‘heading_font’, ‘none’ ) );
    $et_gf_body_font = sanitize_text_field( et_get_option( ‘body_font’, ‘none’ ) );

    if ( ‘none’ != $et_gf_heading_font ) $et_gf_enqueue_fonts[] = $et_gf_heading_font;
    if ( ‘none’ != $et_gf_body_font ) $et_gf_enqueue_fonts[] = $et_gf_body_font;

    if ( ! empty( $et_gf_enqueue_fonts ) ) et_gf_enqueue_fonts( $et_gf_enqueue_fonts );

    function et_add_google_fonts(){
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘google_font_open_sans’, ‘https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,700,300&#8217; );
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘google_font_open_sans_condensed’, ‘https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans+Condensed:300,700&#8217; );

    function et_add_viewport_meta(){
    echo ‘<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0″ />’;

    function et_remove_additional_stylesheet( $stylesheet ){
    global $default_colorscheme;
    return $default_colorscheme;

    * Gets featured posts IDs from transient, if the transient doesn’t exist – runs the query and stores IDs
    function et_get_featured_posts_ids(){
    if ( false === ( $et_featured_post_ids = get_transient( ‘et_featured_post_ids’ ) ) ) {
    $featured_query = new WP_Query( apply_filters( ‘et_featured_post_args’, array(
    ‘posts_per_page’ => (int) et_get_option( ‘lucid_featured_num’ ),
    ‘cat’ => (int) get_catId( et_get_option( ‘lucid_feat_posts_cat’ ) )
    ) ) );

    if ( $featured_query->have_posts() ) {
    while ( $featured_query->have_posts() ) {

    $et_featured_post_ids[] = get_the_ID();

    set_transient( ‘et_featured_post_ids’, $et_featured_post_ids );


    return $et_featured_post_ids;

    * Filters the main query on homepage
    function et_home_posts_query( $query = false ) {
    /* Don’t proceed if it’s not homepage or the main query */
    if ( ! is_home() || ! is_a( $query, ‘WP_Query’ ) || ! $query->is_main_query() ) return;

    /* Set the amount of posts per page on homepage */
    $query->set( ‘posts_per_page’, (int) et_get_option( ‘lucid_homepage_posts’, ‘6’ ) );

    /* Exclude categories set in ePanel */
    $exclude_categories = et_get_option( ‘lucid_exlcats_recent’, false );
    if ( $exclude_categories ) $query->set( ‘category__not_in’, array_map( ‘intval’, et_generate_wpml_ids( $exclude_categories, ‘category’ ) ) );

    /* Exclude slider posts, if the slider is activated, pages are not featured and posts duplication is disabled in ePanel */
    if ( ‘on’ == et_get_option( ‘lucid_featured’, ‘on’ ) && ‘false’ == et_get_option( ‘lucid_use_pages’, ‘false’ ) && ‘false’ == et_get_option( ‘lucid_duplicate’, ‘on’ ) )
    $query->set( ‘post__not_in’, et_get_featured_posts_ids() );

    * Deletes featured posts IDs transient, when the user saves, resets ePanel settings, creates or moves posts to trash in WP-Admin
    function et_delete_featured_ids_cache(){
    if ( false !== get_transient( ‘et_featured_post_ids’ ) ) delete_transient( ‘et_featured_post_ids’ );

    if ( ! function_exists( ‘et_list_pings’ ) ){
    function et_list_pings($comment, $args, $depth) {
    $GLOBALS[‘comment’] = $comment; ?>
    <li id=”comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>”><?php comment_author_link(); ?> – <?php comment_excerpt(); ?>
    <?php }

    if ( ! function_exists( ‘et_get_the_author_posts_link’ ) ){
    function et_get_the_author_posts_link(){
    global $authordata, $themename;

    $link = sprintf(
    esc_url( get_author_posts_url( $authordata->ID, $authordata->user_nicename ) ),
    esc_attr( sprintf( __( ‘Posts by %s’, $themename ), get_the_author() ) ),
    return apply_filters( ‘the_author_posts_link’, $link );

    if ( ! function_exists( ‘et_get_comments_popup_link’ ) ){
    function et_get_comments_popup_link( $zero = false, $one = false, $more = false ){
    global $themename;

    $id = get_the_ID();
    $number = get_comments_number( $id );

    if ( 0 == $number && !comments_open() && !pings_open() ) return;

    if ( $number > 1 )
    $output = str_replace(‘%’, number_format_i18n($number), ( false === $more ) ? __(‘% Comments’, $themename) : $more);
    elseif ( $number == 0 )
    $output = ( false === $zero ) ? __(‘No Comments’,$themename) : $zero;
    else // must be one
    $output = ( false === $one ) ? __(‘1 Comment’, $themename) : $one;

    return ‘<span class=”comments-number”>’ . ‘‘ . apply_filters(‘comments_number’, $output, $number) . ‘‘ . ‘</span>’;

    if ( ! function_exists( ‘et_postinfo_meta’ ) ){
    function et_postinfo_meta( $postinfo, $date_format, $comment_zero, $comment_one, $comment_more ){
    global $themename;

    $postinfo_meta = ”;

    if ( in_array( ‘author’, $postinfo ) ){
    $postinfo_meta .= ‘ ‘ . esc_html__(‘by’,$themename) . ‘ ‘ . et_get_the_author_posts_link();

    if ( in_array( ‘date’, $postinfo ) )
    $postinfo_meta .= ‘ ‘ . esc_html__(‘on’,$themename) . ‘ ‘ . get_the_time( $date_format );

    if ( in_array( ‘categories’, $postinfo ) )
    $postinfo_meta .= ‘ ‘ . esc_html__(‘in’,$themename) . ‘ ‘ . get_the_category_list(‘, ‘);

    if ( in_array( ‘comments’, $postinfo ) )
    $postinfo_meta .= ‘ | ‘ . et_get_comments_popup_link( $comment_zero, $comment_one, $comment_more );

    if ( ” != $postinfo_meta ) $postinfo_meta = __(‘Posted’,$themename) . ‘ ‘ . $postinfo_meta;

    echo $postinfo_meta;

    function et_epanel_custom_colors_css(){
    global $shortname; ?>

    <style type=”text/css”>
    body { color: #<?php echo esc_html(et_get_option($shortname.’_color_mainfont’)); ?>; }
    #content-area a { color: #<?php echo esc_html(et_get_option($shortname.’_color_mainlink’)); ?>; }
    ul.nav li a { color: #<?php echo esc_html(et_get_option($shortname.’_color_pagelink’)); ?> !important; }
    ul.nav > li.current_page_item > a, ul#top-menu > li:hover > a, ul.nav > li.current-cat > a { color: #<?php echo esc_html(et_get_option($shortname.’_color_pagelink_active’)); ?>; }
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a, h6 a { color: #<?php echo esc_html(et_get_option($shortname.’_color_headings’)); ?>; }

    #sidebar a { color:#<?php echo esc_html(et_get_option($shortname.’_color_sidebar_links’)); ?>; }
    .footer-widget { color:#<?php echo esc_html(et_get_option($shortname.’_footer_text’)); ?> }
    #footer a, ul#bottom-menu li a { color:#<?php echo esc_html(et_get_option($shortname.’_color_footerlinks’)); ?> }

    <?php }

    if ( function_exists( ‘get_custom_header’ ) ) {
    // compatibility with versions of WordPress prior to 3.4

    add_action( ‘customize_register’, ‘et_lucid_customize_register’ );
    function et_lucid_customize_register( $wp_customize ) {
    $google_fonts = et_get_google_fonts();

    $font_choices = array();
    $font_choices[‘none’] = ‘Default Theme Font’;
    foreach ( $google_fonts as $google_font_name => $google_font_properties ) {
    $font_choices[ $google_font_name ] = $google_font_name;

    $wp_customize->remove_section( ‘title_tagline’ );
    $wp_customize->remove_section( ‘background_image’ );
    $wp_customize->remove_section( ‘colors’ );

    $wp_customize->add_section( ‘et_google_fonts’ , array(
    ‘title’ => __( ‘Fonts’, ‘Lucid’ ),
    ‘priority’ => 50,
    ) );

    $wp_customize->add_setting( ‘et_lucid[heading_font]’, array(
    ‘default’ => ‘none’,
    ‘type’ => ‘option’,
    ‘capability’ => ‘edit_theme_options’
    ) );

    $wp_customize->add_control( ‘et_lucid[heading_font]’, array(
    ‘label’ => __( ‘Header Font’, ‘Lucid’ ),
    ‘section’ => ‘et_google_fonts’,
    ‘settings’ => ‘et_lucid[heading_font]’,
    ‘type’ => ‘select’,
    ‘choices’ => $font_choices
    ) );

    $wp_customize->add_setting( ‘et_lucid[body_font]’, array(
    ‘default’ => ‘none’,
    ‘type’ => ‘option’,
    ‘capability’ => ‘edit_theme_options’
    ) );

    $wp_customize->add_control( ‘et_lucid[body_font]’, array(
    ‘label’ => __( ‘Body Font’, ‘Lucid’ ),
    ‘section’ => ‘et_google_fonts’,
    ‘settings’ => ‘et_lucid[body_font]’,
    ‘type’ => ‘select’,
    ‘choices’ => $font_choices
    ) );

    add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘et_lucid_add_customizer_css’ );
    add_action( ‘customize_controls_print_styles’, ‘et_lucid_add_customizer_css’ );
    function et_lucid_add_customizer_css(){ ?>
    $et_gf_heading_font = sanitize_text_field( et_get_option( ‘heading_font’, ‘none’ ) );
    $et_gf_body_font = sanitize_text_field( et_get_option( ‘body_font’, ‘none’ ) );

    if ( ‘none’ != $et_gf_heading_font || ‘none’ != $et_gf_body_font ) :

    if ( ‘none’ != $et_gf_heading_font )
    et_gf_attach_font( $et_gf_heading_font, ‘h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6’ );

    if ( ‘none’ != $et_gf_body_font )
    et_gf_attach_font( $et_gf_body_font, ‘body’ );

    <?php }

    add_action( ‘customize_controls_print_footer_scripts’, ‘et_load_google_fonts_scripts’ );
    function et_load_google_fonts_scripts() {
    wp_enqueue_script( ‘et_google_fonts’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/epanel/google-fonts/et_google_fonts.js’, array( ‘jquery’ ), ‘1.0’, true );

    add_action( ‘customize_controls_print_styles’, ‘et_load_google_fonts_styles’ );
    function et_load_google_fonts_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘et_google_fonts_style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/epanel/google-fonts/et_google_fonts.css’, array(), null );

    And also the ” additional_functions.php”

    /* Meta boxes */

    function lucid_settings(){
    add_meta_box(“et_post_meta”, “ET Settings”, “lucid_display_options”, “post”, “normal”, “high”);
    add_meta_box(“et_post_meta”, “ET Settings”, “lucid_display_options”, “page”, “normal”, “high”);
    add_action(“admin_init”, “lucid_settings”);

    function lucid_display_options($callback_args) {
    global $post, $themename;

    $et_fs_video = get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘_et_lucid_video_url’, true );
    $et_left_sidebar = get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘_et_left_sidebar’, true );
    $et_full_post = get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘_et_full_post’, true );

    wp_nonce_field( basename( __FILE__ ), ‘et_settings_nonce’ );

    <div class=”et_fs_setting” style=”margin: 17px 0 22px 5px;”>
    <label for=”et_left_sidebar” class=”selectit”><input name=”et_left_sidebar” type=”checkbox” id=”et_left_sidebar” <?php checked( $et_left_sidebar, ‘on’ ); ?>> Display Sidebar on the left</label>

    <?php if ( ‘page’ == $callback_args->post_type ) return; ?>

    <div class=”et_fs_setting” style=”margin: 17px 0 22px 5px;”>
    <label for=”et_full_post” class=”selectit”><input name=”et_full_post” type=”checkbox” id=”et_full_post” <?php checked( $et_full_post, ‘on’ ); ?>> Hide Sidebar</label>

    <div id=”et_custom_settings” style=”margin: 17px 0 17px 5px;”>
    <h4 style=”font-size: 13px;”><?php esc_html_e(‘Video Post Format Settings: ‘,$themename); ?></h4>

    <div class=”et_fs_setting” style=”margin: 13px 0 26px 4px;”>
    <label for=”et_fs_video” style=”color: #000; font-weight: bold;”> <?php esc_html_e(‘Video url:’,$themename); ?> </label>
    <input type=”text” style=”width: 30em;” value=”<?php echo esc_url($et_fs_video); ?>” id=”et_fs_video” name=”et_fs_video” size=”67″ />

    <small style=”position: relative; top: 8px;”><?php esc_html_e(‘You can put Youtube or Vimeo link here.’, $themename); ?> ex: <?php echo htmlspecialchars("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkuHbkaieZ4");?></small>
    </div> <!– #et_custom_settings –>


    add_action( ‘save_post’, ‘lucid_save_details’, 10, 2 );
    function lucid_save_details( $post_id, $post ){
    global $pagenow;
    if ( ‘post.php’ != $pagenow ) return $post_id;

    if ( defined(‘DOING_AUTOSAVE’) && DOING_AUTOSAVE )
    return $post_id;

    $post_type = get_post_type_object( $post->post_type );
    if ( !current_user_can( $post_type->cap->edit_post, $post_id ) )
    return $post_id;

    if ( !isset( $_POST[‘et_settings_nonce’] ) || !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[‘et_settings_nonce’], basename( __FILE__ ) ) )
    return $post_id;

    if ( isset($_POST[“et_fs_video”]) ) update_post_meta( $post_id, “_et_lucid_video_url”, esc_url_raw( $_POST[“et_fs_video”] ) );

    if ( isset( $_POST[“et_left_sidebar”] ) ) update_post_meta( $post_id, “_et_left_sidebar”, ‘on’ );
    else delete_post_meta( $post_id, “_et_left_sidebar” );

    if ( isset( $_POST[“et_full_post”] ) ) update_post_meta( $post_id, “_et_full_post”, ‘on’ );
    else delete_post_meta( $post_id, “_et_full_post” );
    } ?>


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