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  • yup. Face the same issue.

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi Guys,

    Sorry for the late response as I did not have the email turned on.

    I released version 1.13 a few weeks ago and that has fixed everything.

    Thanks and best regards,

    I just updated to 1.15, following same rules as before and now the message does not appear at all. Disappeared no matter what I do can’t get it to show back again. Thanks!

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi ChopperPapa,

    It looks like the problem you have is different from the original content of this topic but never mind, lets see what it is.

    1. What version of WordPress are you using? With Version 4.2.3 I lost my side bars, on Atahualpa Theme. Yesterday they released version 4.2.4 and all my sidebars came back. But with both versions of WP, my messages showed at “Bottom of Content” and at “End of Document”. See my blog

    2. What theme are you using so I can test it on my site? Did a previous version of the plugin work and then upgrading to version 1.15 did not work?

    We can test if it is theme related. What theme are you using? Can you run it on Twenty Ten theme and see if the messages appears.

    3. Are your messages displayed at the “Bottom of Content” or at the “End of Document” ? Try both settings.

    With version 1.15, there is an option to adjust the priority of the message displayed, when “End of Document” is selected. If you are displaying messages at the End of Document, then and the priority value is too large (lower down the page), say 800, your messages will disappear. Try saving the settings and see if the message is displayed. Then try a value between 10 and 200 for the priority.

    4. Do you have a cache plugin installed? If so clear the cache and turn it off while you are testing. This is because it could be showing you the older version of your webpages (before the messages where introduced). Clearing the cache will make sure that new caches will be created after you install any new plugin.

    I would suggest do it step by step,
    1. Turn off any caching plugin
    2. Deactivate most of your plugins
    3. Change to Twenty Ten Theme
    4. Select option “Bottom of Content”

    and check if you can see any of the messages. If you see the messages, the plugin is working for “Bottom of Content”.

    Change the option to “End of Document” and set the priority to about 20. If you see the messages then change the priority to a larger value say 200 and see if the messages are displayed at the end of your webpage.

    If the messages appear, change back to your original theme and see if the messages appear. If they do then activate your plugins one by one to see if the messages disappear.

    Some Themes block your messages appearing above their message in the footer but I don’t think this is your problem. Some Themes do not have a footer so displaying at the “End of Document” cannot be done and you will need to change your theme to resolve this or display at the “Bottom of Content”.

    I do hope this helps and let me know what happened.

    Best regards,

    Thanks Peter, my theme is Oslo. I tried those fixes and nothing seemed to work. Would it be possible to get the prior version of the plugin? That one worked perfectly for me.

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi ChopperPapa,

    Sorry to hear that it still does not work. If it does not work on Twent Ten theme, if could be the zip file was corrupted when downloading … but this very unlikely.

    Can you set the dpabottomofpostpage to “Bottom of Content” options and set up one or two messages. And let me know when you have done that so that I can look at your webpage post (give me the URL of a post to look at).

    I checked the Oslo theme but it is not a free theme so I cannot implement it on my experimental site to test it out.

    Once you got the URL ready let me know so that I can left click on my mouse and View the Page Source in Firefox and check what your WordPress site is showing.

    I am trying to come out with a newer version that shows right at the Bottom of Content. If I cannot manage in the next 2 or 3 days I will dig up the older version for you to use.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi ChopperPapa,

    One more suggestion. Can you deactivate and delete the plugin and then install it again.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi ChopperPapa,

    Can you let me know what was the message to be displayed? (the code you placed in the message area).

    Best regards,

    I Peter, I did your suggestions, I even upgraded to the latest version 1.16. Same problem as before. disappeared.

    Per your request, here is the code I placed in the first message box. Thank you

    <!– Begin MailChimp Signup Form –>
    <link href=”//” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css”>
    <div id=”mc_embed_signup”>
    <form action=”//″ method=”post” id=”mc-embedded-subscribe-form” name=”mc-embedded-subscribe-form” class=”validate” target=”_blank” novalidate>
    <div id=”mc_embed_signup_scroll”>

    website URL is

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi ChopperPapa,

    Can you test by placing a text string for example “This is a test string” instead of the mailchip form and see if it will display the string using “Bottom of content” and also at the “End of document” options (click Submit to save)?

    I am checking through the code of first article When I checked the code, left click mouse and select View Page Source, Firefox shows some parts of the code in red color. This means that something is not right with the code.

    I will keep checking and let you know.

    Can you install this simple plugin and see if it displays any message at the bottom? The plugin can be download from
    It will display the message “Bottom of Content Message”. Check if it diplays this message on your webpages, individual posts.

    Please do let me know if it shows anything.

    Sorry I have never seen this problem before and I am trying to figure out where it is coming from.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi ChopperPapa,

    The dpabottomofpostpage messages are not showing up anywhere on your site. Is the plugin activated? If it is conflicting with another plugin it may not show up any messages.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi ChopperPapa,

    Your code is as follows:

    <!-- Begin MailChimp Signup Form -->
    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    </style> <--- this should not be here, please remove this line
    <div id="mc_embed_signup"> <--- *** there should be a closing div
    <form action="//" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank" novalidate>
    <--- a few lines of code missing here. should be ending with </form>
    </div> <--- *** may be like here
    <div id="mc_embed_signup_scroll"> <code><--- this div tag should be closed with a <code></div></code>

    Can you get a fresh copy of the mailchimp code or show me the url that shows you the code?

    May be this is the solution, that is the mailchimp code is not complete, many lines of code is missing, so nothing is displayed.

    Best regards,

    Peter you are correct, perhaps there was a code update by Mailchimp or I simply corrupted it some way. Regardless that was the missing ingredient. It is working now. Thank you for taking time to help me. Much appreciated and I use the plugin often!


    Plugin Author peter achutha


    Hi ChopperPapa,

    That is really great to know.

    Best regards,

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