• I have a blog site which i set up using the five minute install. I now need to create a second one, that I can work on at the same time as the other running from my local host. I am using MAMP. I have tried re-installing wordpress and setting up a new folder within htdocs like my other one is running well from – htdocs/wordpress, my new one is called wordpresstwo – htdocs/wordpresstwo. I have gone to phpmyadmin through mamp and created a new database called wordpresstwo (the same name as the new folder that holds all my wordpress downloaded files (downloaded wordpress.zip folder)). I then tried to create a new wp-config.php file with the new name ‘wordpresstwo’ instead of ‘wordpress’ then install using the same route url as I did before – https://localhost:8889/wp-admin/install.php it then asks me to save the file as I am trying to open a binary file.
    I am very confused and do not really understand why i cannot get it to work. Please can anybody help?

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