quranstudycentre.org’ is currently pointed at the nameservers at wordpress.com, and nothing at BlueHost is going to work properly until you change that. You might have some kind of temporary URL at BlueHost for accessing your WordPress in a browser, but ‘quranstudycentre.org’ and/or ‘www.quranstudycentre.org’ do not go there at the moment.
So let me see if I understand. I signed up with wordpress a couple of months ago and this is the first I’ve been able to sit down and work. A few days ago is when I signed up with Bluehost. So you’re thinking that when I moved from wordpress to bluehost I was given a temp. url and that is why Im getting this pointing warning? So would i resolve this via bluehost? I went into the phpmyadmin and didn’t know what i was looking at.
By the way, I got rid of the theme I purchased. It just wasn’t downloading properly. I’ll just go with a nice simple free one.