• nwilliamspr


    Main site is turnkeyparlor.com and blog is turnkeyparlor.com/icecreambusinessblog.

    Long story as to the why….but I have 2 separate WP installations on my godaddy cpanel server for the main site and the blog.
    turnkeyparlor.com WP installation is in the public_html folder
    and the blog WP installation is in public_html/icecreambusinessblog

    I would prefer that the blog be integrated into the same WP installation as the main site.

    My main concern is the blog post URL’s changing. I’m sure there’s a way to maintain the URL integrity, but I need a little guidance so I don’t screw it up.

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  • Personally I would set up duplicates of both sites on a dev server/ local pc and and do a dry run before trying any of the below on your live sites. !!!!

    1. Backup up everything, take a snapshot of the databases of both sites before you start anything. Backup the content dir of both sites as well.

    2. go to the dashboard in the blog -> tools -> export .. and export all your content
    3. go to the root site and tools -> import you’ll be prompted to install the WP import tool

    with some luck that should get all the post / etc.. from site b to a
    N.B. it will also get pages user, everything.

    4. move / rename the folder the old blog was in, now if you go to that folder/url you should get a 404 from you main site, if you navigate to any of the old blog urls you may find wordpress is smart enough to redirect users to the correct place. IF not don’t panic..

    5. create a new folder with the old name ‘icecreambusinessblog’ and add a .htaccess file.
    6. add this to .htaccess RedirectMatch 301 ^/icecreambusinessblog/$ https://turnkeyparlor.com/


    Thread Starter nwilliamspr


    Thanks Geraint. I Appreciate the detailed reply. I will definitely take your advice and back everything up before I go any further. Will let you know who it all turns out when I get time to do the transition. Thanks again.

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