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  • Hi, I’ve solved all my problems and errors using this method

    @fivera – please make sure that you are helping out here and not using these forums to post links to your site –

    Hi, i am more than sure that i am helping as i was reading all those topics in search for the solution.
    I just made a decision to write a tutorial about it and share it, correct me if i am wrong. Cheers.

    When you post the same, link only, post in multiple places – some of which are quite old, that starts to look pretty iffy :).

    The other potential problem is that your tutorial instructs people to modify theme files – and then those changes will be overwritten when the theme is updated – which isn’t so great. Those kinds of changes should generally be made in a Child Theme –

    @wpyogi I get what you are saying.I’ll try to be more concise with the explanation in the future. I am more than active on in helping Serbian people with WordPress problems in my own language. Here i try to use my website to answer some of the issues that i had to overcome myself.that’s all.
    Thanks for your time. ??

    No worries – and help is certainly appreciated :). Just try to keep help on the forums so it doesn’t look like someone spamming links to their site – we get an awful lot of that which is not so well-intentioned.

    Thread Starter shahnaz


    I am still facing the same trouble:
    I read through the above links but do not understand how to find the correct place to implement any code.
    Can some one help
    Error: Missing required field “updated”.
    Error: Missing required hCard “author”.

    How do i fix this?

    Thread Starter shahnaz


    I am still facing the same trouble:
    I read through the above links but do not understand how to find the correct place to implement any code.
    Can some one help
    Error: Missing required field “updated”.
    Error: Missing required hCard “author”.

    How do i fix this?

    I have the same issue
    Error: Missing required field “updated”.
    Error: Missing required hCard “author”.

    I use optimize press for my theme. I tried editing single.php with

    <span class=”vcard author”><span class=”fn”><?php the_author(); ?></span></span><span class=”post_date date updated”><?php the_time(‘j F,Y’); ?></span>

    but no luck.

    can somebody please help?


    Hi everyone, maybe this can be of help, after a few days of trying to fix this same problem, which was about 10 of these on all of my posts:

    Error: At least one field must be set for HatomEntry.
    Error: Missing required field “entry-title”.
    Error: Missing required field “updated”.
    Error: Missing required hCard “author”.

    Just under the categories. So this was after the information was actually working and being received.

    This was being caused by the class “hentry” being added to a list of latest posts.
    I removed this code:

    <?php post_class(); ?>

    from the plugin. The errors have now gone.

    Also a lot of the solutions on the websites linked to do not mention the you need this structure:

     <div id="wrap">
      <div class="hfeed" id="content">
       <div class="hentry entry" id="post-60">

    the important bits are the hfeed and hentry.

    More info:

    I didn’t have a ‘hfeed’ as it had autocorrected it to “heed” -_-

    Hope that was useful.

    Best wishes

    I ‘ve tried hard but couldn’t resolve this issue on My Google rich snippet testing tool shows only 1 item of hatom-feed.

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