Hatom Errors Just Started
I never saw these errors before and have no idea what it means or how to fix.
What errors? Please paste them into a reply.
Here is one of the issues as an example. At the end of all this it says “Use the Structured Data Testing Tool to check live data for errors.”
It says it is only showing a sample of 1,000 out of 2,144 pages.
Page URL Items Items with Errors Last Detected Title (hentry) Errors bookmark: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/christmas-for-children/ Christmas Missing: author (3 times) Missing: updated (3 times) https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/dominican/ Crawled: 12/20/17 Data only shows detected fields and may be different than live data. hatom itemtype: https://microformats.org/profile/hatom hentry itemtype: https://microformats.org/profile/hentry entry-title: Christmas For Children entry-content: The Children/ Los ni?os Christmas in Dominican Republic is for children. Always has been and always will be. Christmas, as in most countries, without children is just not Christmas. Christmas... bookmark: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/christmas-for-children/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/children/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/custom/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/dia-de-los-reyes/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/dominican/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/el-burrito-de-belen/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/epiphany/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/gifts/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/january/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/local-traditions/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/magi/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/navidad/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/ninos/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/parade/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/santa-claus/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/the-little-donky-of-bethlehem/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/three-kings-day/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/tradition/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/wise-men/ hentry itemtype: https://microformats.org/profile/hentry entry-title: Christmas Songs entry-content: Canciones de Navidad/ Songs of Christmas The songs of Christmas are an important part of the holiday season in Dominican Republic. Christmas | Songs | Decorations | Traditional Foods | Town... bookmark: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/christmas-songs/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/canciones/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/carol/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/carols/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/cascabel/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/children/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/christmas/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/dominican/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/dominican-republic/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/el-burro-y-el-pavo/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/english/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/jingle-bells/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/latin-america/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/los-peces-en-el-rio/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/navidad/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/republica-dominicana/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/song/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/songs/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/spanish/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/style/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/the-donky-and-the-turky/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/the-fish-in-the-river/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/tradiciones/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/traditions/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/translation/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/translations/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/villancicos/ hentry itemtype: https://microformats.org/profile/hentry entry-title: Christmas entry-content: Christmas in Dominican Republic / Navidad en República Dominicana Christmas Dominican style is a fabulous time for sure and it is not cold! Christmas | Songs | Decorations | Traditional Foods... bookmark: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/christmas/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/business/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/celebration/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/christmas/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/christmas-eve/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/church/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/december/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/dominican/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/dominican-republic/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/double-sueldo/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/family/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/festive/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/fireworks/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/fuegos-artificiales/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/gift/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/gifts/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/mass/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/navidad/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/noche-buena/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/religious/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/republica-dominicana/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/style/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/tradiciones/ tag: https://www.colonialzone-dr.com/tag/traditions/
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
Jan Dembowski. Reason: Fixed formatting and unspammed
I answered but the post is being held for moderation.
Your reply hit the spam queue due to all the links in it. When I un-spammed it (it was not spam and your reply was fine) it disappeared. I can’t find it. O_o
Can you please use https://pastebin.com/ paste your error messages there and then share the link here? I don’t know where your reply went but if you share the link to that paste then that should work fine.
The “missing post” got put into “draft” status. I’ve published it. O_o indeed!
So how did you generate those errors?
I just published my stuff. No idea what happened.
I did a search on https://microformats.org/profile/hatom and everything I found said its an issue with a template. It said that I needed to add something someplace. I have no idea about any of that stuff.
If I look at
the page displays perfectly.Yes, everything seems to display correctly.
The search I did on the issue said it should clear itself up when the template has updates. No idea what that all means. Yoast wrote this.
Most of my sites have some structured data errors if viewed via the Google Webmaster Tools structured data tool. Meh…. The sites work, Google can figure out what’s on them.
If this really bothers you, contact the developer of your theme.
Thanks. I just got scared when I saw all those errors. I’ll just ignore them.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
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