• Hi, thanks for the great plugin, using the dynamic search bar to navigate pages is a very useful feature.

    On installation I receive a couple of errors (with WP5+ and PHP7+) listed below. I’ve fixed them for my install but thought it might be useful if anyone else needed them and perhaps you could add them to the plugin.

    First error
    Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …. zeus-admin-theme/inc/ajax-admin-menu-editor/ajax-admin-menu-editor.php on line 88
    FIX: change line below from hook from admin_init to admin_menu in file ajax-admin-menu-editor:line 111 i.e.
    add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘add_admin_menu_separators’);

    Second error
    has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0.0!
    FIX: replace line in menu-list:19 from current_user_can(‘administrator’) to

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