Hi imaginemonkey,
I’ve definitely seen some improvements compared to having no SEO plugin at all. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to test this plugin against others in terms of SERP performance.
It’s also impossible to test one site against the other, as there’s so much more that Google and Bing look for than meta tags alone.
In terms of meta tags, my focus for The SEO Framework has always been Google, and it’s very well up to date with that. Through (free and premium) extensions I’m going to expand and perfect social behavior as well; this is already well underway.
From there, it’s mainly how well you write your content and how well you know how to prevent your users from bouncing (leaving within a short time after viewing your website).
That’s so much more important than any SEO plugin.
This all lies in your style of writing (is it informative?), and in the style of the theme you’re using (can you navigate well?).
Anyone, feel free to join in and let me know your experiences! I’d love to know what I can do to improve, or what I shouldn’t do at all :).