Here is the mixed data I have been able to measure so far:
1. phpinfo() – tells me I have a total of 90M of memory available.
2. I also added “define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’90M’);” to my wp-config.php file so wordpress and phpinfo() are both consistent on the amount of memory used.
3. I used the WP-Memory-Usage to tell me the amount of memory used in my Dashboard. This tells me the following values:
– With NextGen Gallery disabled = 34.57 MB or 38%
– With NextGen Gallery 1.19.13 = 36.37 MB or 40%
– With NextGen Gallery 2.0.40 = 40.95 MB or 46%
so this definitely tells me 2.0.40 is using more memory though none of these amounts should be close to my limits. For example, it seems to suggest that NextGen Gallery 2.0.40 is using triple the memory of 1.9.13.
4. My blog is not particularly large, but following are the counts:
– 192 posts
– 38 pages
– 766 images
– 13 galleries
– 2 albums
Until I emptied my spam folder, I did have 8861 spam comments though emptying that folder didn’t seem to change things.
5. Potentially un-related but I also have one other memory related message show up on the dashboard. While displaying WordPress News, it gives
Warning: xml_parse() [function.xml-parse]: Memory allocation failed : growing buffer in …/wp-includes/SimplePie/Parser.php on line 154
This appears regardless of which configuration of NextGen gallery I use.
6. At this point reverting back to 1.9.13 addresses at least the symptoms so I’m going to keep my main site running that. I prefer not to give out credentials to this site or have it be a further testbed but if I get some time next weekend I’ll see if I can backup and create a copy that could be examined for testing.