Thanks @olope, @tstone, @bigvibes for your feedback. Like many other WP users, I believe this is one of the most valuable plugins ever designed for WP. As a journalist, I have been following WP development of professional-grade editorial features: the ones that make WP a full editorial environment, fit for media clients.
It should be obvious by now that media production features for WordPress are attracting tons of developers and design studios. Just check, besides Edit Flow, solutions like IssuesM, Betaout ContentCloud, CollabPress, CoSchedule, Magma… Even Google might be working on its own full CMS.
That is why I would encourage the authors and contributors of Edit Flow to fully develop and update this plugin, and maybe provide a two-tier solution (free and premium version). It would be a great news for the WordPress community. The fact that is seems to be lingering in a dev limbo (or sidetracked for WP Vip clients, sigh) keeps many non-expert users from actually using it in their websites.
And a big thank you for authoring this tool!