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  • Plugin Author Business Directory Plugin


    Hi purrdesign,

    Can you tell me what your image settings are in BD? A screenshot of the Images tab may help (use if you need to)

    We do resizing of images–when you say hard crop, you mean take a 400×400 images and just grab the middle 100×100 pixels? (or something similar)

    Thread Starter purrdesign


    Current settings:

    I do not see any ‘height’ option for the thumbnail. As it is now, any image I upload is resized to 280 pixels wide, but the height stays relative to the original image proportion. I want to hard crop these images to 280×280 squares, despite the proportions of the original image.

    Plugin Author Business Directory Plugin


    Hi purrdesign,

    OK, I think it get it now.

    We probably need to expand our image processing options to allow for the following:
    – Specific thumbnail height
    – Hard crop vs. resize (we resize, as you’ve already noted–mostly because people generally wanted to see their image in the same proportions, based on past feedback).

    This is something we can look into adding for the future.

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