• Check out:https://bert2.bjva.nl/?page_id=415
    My problem is that my picture is rezised somewere to the maxsize of tumbnails (120×90). after that im now scaling it up to 200% of that resizement... just becouse the maxtumbnail-size is not big enough for my client.( im doing the upscalement in the img-tag in the view/gallary.php file) but u all understand that this is mad becouse i`m screwing-up my quality, by seeing pixels now. Now the question: can i changer SOMEWERE the resizement to the max tumbnail size? i really hope becouse i have just added all those picures one by one and dont want to do this again.( my client gave me the picures all in seperated directories)

    I`ll hope understand.



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