Hand-picked blocks only lists first 100 products
I have read all tickets relating to “hand-picked block” but none were similar to this issue.
We are running Woo 5.2.0 and woo blocks 4.9.1 with 1GB of WP memory.
When I add “hand-picked block” to a wordpress post, the block editor will only list the first 100 products from my store of 195 products. When I dont type anything in the search box, first 100 products are listed. See here: https://prnt.sc/11d2oiy
See other products listed beneath product number 100 in the woo Products list, you can see there are products after “Mag Phos”. https://prnt.sc/11d2tvn
Site search shows products listed which are not locatable in Hand-Picked Block editor https://prnt.sc/11d3466
See search for same product as above shows no record: https://prnt.sc/11d36puUsing wordpress/woo search however, shows these products 101 – 195 are indeed indexed in site search.
I cant find any setting that would limit the block to seeing only the first 100 products.
Am I missing something?
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