• Goodnight. There was a need to implement the feedback form of the type :

    1 ) Initially, see box 2 enter the date of entry into the room and exit . Select the number.
    2 ) Next, we click on the ” Find Room ” and a pop-up window in which we choose the room type , specify the name and phone number , click the send button and you’re done .

    I implemented as follows ( in addition to use a plug- easy fancybox):

    <p class: dets_p4> Check [date date- 239 class: dets_1 placeholder " Check "] </ p>
    <p class: dets_p5> Departure date [date date- 239 class: dets_2 placeholder " Departure date "] </ p>
    <a class="a_2 fancybox-inline" href="#form_4"> <button> Find a room </ button> </a>
    <div style = "display: none" class = "fancybox-hidden">
    <div id = "form_4">
    [select nomers " Junior" , " Business Room " , " Comfort " , " Single " Standard " " " Double " Standard " " " Double " Economy " " ]
    [text * your-name placeholder " What is your name " ]
    [tel * tel- 521/20 placeholder " Your phone " ]
    [submit " Send ," ]
    </ div>
    </ div>

    But the problem is when if I use a pop-up window , then pressing the send button , nothing happens. Please tell me what I did wrong?


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