@esmi – Thank you for your reply.
@vuk Stankovi? – Any details you can provide to us from your scan, I can forward to our developers to look into. Please don’t post them here, please submit as a bug report here: https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/report-bug/ . Your bug report will go directly to our developers. If there is anything we can do to help tighten up the plugin, we’re always looking for ways to improve the plugin where possible. Regarding security measures for your site to help prevent hacks in the future, I’d suggest looking into these plugins:
– Bulletproof Security
– WordPress Firewall 2
For more tips and suggestions, check out our article here on how to help secure your site: https://www.photocrati.com/help-prevent-wordpress-site-breaking-hacked/
We don’t claim to be experts and can’t guarantee our suggested plugins will prevent all attacks and protect 100%. I personally have used them on my site and they do appear to work well in my experience. Hope this helps!