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  • Handoko


    I have some advices, hope it can help.

    Do you use free hosting service? I ever used free hosting service, they inject ads into my database. Now I won’t use any cheap or free hosting services. A good and reliable web hosting usually is not cheap.

    The computer you’re using can be the source of the problem too. I mean if you’re sharing the computer with others especially in internet cafe, you’re risking your password being stolen. Do you save your passwords on the computer? It is risky, anyone can easy get the passwords if you’re using Firefox. Also you need to make sure the computer is virus free. I personally use Linux.

    This Better WP Security is great, it really blocks and reduces the hacking attempts on my sites. You may need to consider manually ban the IPs who are frequently visit and try to hack your site.

    For useless bots (spambots) I also use Bad Behavior plugin. From the logs, I can see it really blocks a lot of bad visits.

    For improve the security further, you may also install these plugin:
    – Login Security Solution
    – BulletProof Security

    Thread Starter chetan0412



    thanks for reply

    1. Do you use free hosting service? – No

    2. I am using only my personal laptop only. and my laptop is virus free, even i didn’t find any virus problem or software problem.

    3. can we use parallelly – Login Security Solution and BulletProof Security with BWPS ???

    Last time hackers deleted my admin account but i recovered by another account,

    Can we block particular user/Account to site like Admin , administrator?



    3. can we use parallelly – Login Security Solution and BulletProof Security with BWPS ???

    Yes you can, but some configurations are needed, here the author of Bullet Proft Security answered the question:

    Can we block particular user/Account to site like Admin , administrator?

    So far as I know, no. There is no such feature. Some users tried to create an account “Admin” and set the permissions to the lowest. But I personally think that is not a good idea.

    Thread Starter chetan0412


    Now i am really tiered from hackers…

    every day i am getting min 1000 of login trial.

    can i have step by step procedure to hide wp-login.php

    so we can login but hackers cant find,

    Thread Starter chetan0412


    after enabling ban user agent ips are showing like this


    is this correct????

    its should be


    Thread Starter chetan0412


    hi ,

    just found option “Hide Backend”

    but i dont know how to use..

    can any one guide me????

    i tried eg.

    loging slug- XXX

    Register slug – YYY

    admin slug – zzz

    added secret key like wp-login.php?[xxxxxxxxxxx]&

    is there any wrong configuration ??? its working for me.



    Hi chetan, you may try Stealth Login Page plugin. It seems promising, I’ve tried it on one of my site.

    You may need to disable the ‘hide login’ feature on Better WP Security before you use Stealth Login.

    Good luck. And please report back the result, many users here will interested to know.

    Thread Starter chetan0412


    thanks Handoko,

    sure i ll try Stealth Login Page,

    thanks again.

    Thread Starter chetan0412



    its working,

    but i have one doubt, i have link by that i can access my login page, but what about other user?

    when i click on login link as guest, i redirect me on main page( i have configured on plugin, URL to redirect unauthorized attempts to – xxx)



    Hi, chetan0412. Sorry for the late reply, I didn’t get any notification of your post.

    Did your talking about login link of Stealth Login plugin? I also a new user of the plugin, nothing much I can share. I think you should start a new thread on their plugin page, here is for Better WP Security.

    Thread Starter chetan0412


    today i hav installed 4.0 version,

    as per instruction

    i am not getting below mentioned instruction.

    Add the following variables to wp-config.php if you are on a MU site and want to globally activate it with the same settings on all sites (change what is in quotes to your liking):

    $slp_redirect “URL”; $slp_authorization “string”;

    please help me to understand this.

    do i need to change anything in above mentioned line ?

    Thread Starter chetan0412


    i have installed and working perfectly.

    but it does not solve my problem..

    i am getting bad login entries as before.

    any solution???



    Hi cheatan0412.

    Did you activate multisite feature on your website? Do you know what is a multisite or MU? If your answer is no, you can simply skip the mentioned instruction.

    i have installed and working perfectly.
    You said it’s working perfectly. I have visited your ifuturetech login page, I saw the website is not protected with Stealth Login Page. Did you installed it on other site?

    i am getting bad login entries as before
    Something you may need to know. Stealth Login was able to ‘hide’ your login page. But because of some reasons, the author disable the hiding feature and use an extra field on the login page. He said he will bring the hiding feature back in the next version. If you want the real hiding feature you should use the version 3.0.0.

    You now can still use this plugin and wait the next version which has the hiding feature. Or uninstall the version 4.0 and install the version 3.

    But I think it is safe even the plugin doesn’t hide the login page, it is now more secure because it has authorization field needed to fill.

    Thread Starter chetan0412


    1. Do you know what is a multisite or MU? – now i am cleared about it.

    2. Did you installed it on other site?- no i have installed on same site as you mentioned, but now i have deactivated , coz, my user asking me to secret code, also many new user dont have secret code, and they are not able to login, or buy product that’s why i have deactivated.

    see my post-



    I guess understand what you need.

    I recommend you to try zM Ajax Login & Register.

    Some weeks ago, If I’m not wrong, I’ve tried zM Ajax Login + Stealth Login Page 3.0.0. It worked, you may try.

    Here are what you need to do:
    1. Download Stealth Login ver 3.0.0. Click here to download.
    2. Make sure you have uninstalled Stealth Login version 4 and installed the version 3 you just downloaded.
    3. Install the zM Ajax Login.
    4. Goto menu > Settings > Stealth Login Page > enable the Enable Stealth Mode. Put your secret words in the “question” and “answers”. For example: “monkey” in question, “banana” in answer. For the “URL to redirect”, you can put anything you like, but I suggest you to put your home page url.
    5. Now users can login using zM Ajax Login. But to configure it, it is not easy, you need to read the documentation.

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