• Su


    I’m using Edit Flow’s custom status module, and the Reorder Post screen is throwing this Javascript error, making it unusable(including Aurovrata’s patched version):

    Error: ReferenceError: current_user_can_publish_posts is not defined
    Source File: […]/wp-content/plugins/edit-flow/modules/custom-status/lib/custom-status.js?ver=0.8

    This seems to be due to Edit Flow being a little sloppy specifying where its JS runs, as this hack is taken from a support thread for another plugin.

    The position for this hack will obviously change by plugin, but for Edit Flow 0.8, find wp-content/plugins/edit-flow/modules/custom-status and add this at line 285, inside the action_admin_enqueue_scripts() function:

    global $current_screen;
    if(strpos($current_screen->base, 're-orderPost-transcript')){

    The ReOrder Posts plugin should now function as expected.

    This is obviously not ideal, but I need the plugin to work now, and this gets it done for me.

    (You’ll have to settle on your own solution to prevent patched plugins from being updated, though Edit Flow has been dormant for something like two years, so…)


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