I’m also getting hammered with this eval base64 hack. Over the weekend been trying various things to try to keep them out.
I deleted all the FTP accounts through my cpanel except one (that I use for my webcam). I’ve installed the Bullet Proof Security plugin, that helps me change permissions on various files to secure values, like the config file to 400. I’ve also installed Exploit Scanner, which identifies the hack, but sometimes it fails to run and I’m not sure why.
The WordPress Security page says to change permissions, but I need it black and white. What files, what numbers. Telling me to give read/write/execute is vague.. I want the numbers please, and the files to secure. So far I have changed the index.php files to 444, which seems to keep them out. Changing permissions too tight makes the blogs uneditable and we can’t have that either. Bullet Proof Security plugin also creates secure .htaccess files.
Been a couple days on a couple blogs and so far they haven’t gotten hacked again using these measures. I’m keeping a close eye. Is this a recent hack problem? It has only hit me within the last month or so. Before that, never had a problem with my wordpress blogs getting hacked.