• Good Afternoon Everyone:

    After clearing the cache and with “Create a cached version pre-compressed with Gzip” selected in CE settings, upon initial page load, shouldn’t two versions of each page be created in the cache, one plain html the other gzipped? This would seem logical to me, but that doesn’t appear to be how it works. Does anyone know if this functionality will be added?

    Also are there any plans to add a cache warming function to Cache Enabler? To have a button that would Clear and Reload Cache would pretty much make this the perfect caching plugin.


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  • bakirov


    shouldn’t two versions of each page be created in the cache, one plain html the other gzipped?

    Yes, that should be a default behavior, because that’s how nginx gzip_static on; works: if both uncompressed and compressed files exist nginx will serve compressed one (nginx first looks for uncompressed file and if exists it looks for a compressed one and serves it; if uncompressed file is absent and compressed file is present, nginx won’t serve a compressed one; you can check it with an empty html file and real compressed html file — nginx will serve later).

    Dear developers, please add an option to create both uncompressed and compressed files if compression is turned on in settings. Thanks!

    A version will be created when a user agent/client/browser requests for that version. Most user agents support gzip and will pass that information in an Accept request header. So Cache Enabler will create the gzip (index-https.html.gz) and serve it to the user agent. If your site ever receives a request from a user agent that does not support gzip, Cache Enabler will create the plain version (index-https.html) and serve that. This way, a cache file is created only when it’s needed and it stays valid for the period defined in Cache Enabler settings.

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