First, no ‘insert read more’ button. Really? I have to basically type in a ‘code’. When did I slip back into my htlm days doing web pages?
Actually, it’s the More Block. You can insert it the same way you insert any other block.
Second, the blocks, to me, are annoying. I can see how some might like it but to me, annoyance more than help. But I find the block outline disrupts any flow of writing. That’s due to each time I see that I think I’ve left the writing space, not implemented well at all here.
Yeah, I can’t help you with your opinion except to tell you to try it a bit more and experiment more. I find it a better experience overall. But that takes time.
Third, I dislike the disappearing/reappearing menu bar. Just put it at the [edited] top of the page and be done with it, is that so hard?
Personally, I like only seeing contextual menus when needed, but if you’re the kind of person who wants a menu at the top all the time, then that is actually an option. Click the three dots menu in the top right of the screen, and turn that on. Now those menus only show up at the top of the screen and not inline above blocks.