With Gutenberg launch coming close, allow me to revive this thread…
I am not pleased at all with Gutenberg, but if we want to continue using WordPress, we may have to learn living with it. For the time being, I have already activated Classic Editor + Disable Gutenberg (by Jeff Starr) on a majority of my sites.
In addition to the issue already raised by @abrightclearweb, a major challenge will be inserting a Word document with footnotes, due to the block logic of Gutenberg.
Anyway, if you find time to play with Gutenberg and can devise some solutions within the coming months, I am sure that many users of your wonderful plugin will be greatly interested to hear more. But I am aware that this might take time (moreover, the plugin will need to be maintained for those who want to continue using the Classic Editor for as long as possible).
If you manage to develop a Gutenberg version, this may represent a major time investment for you. If such is the case and you need to make a Gutenberg version of the plugin a paid one, I am sure that many users would fully understand that. What you have developed has so often been very useful for many of us. Thank you once again.