Gutenberg RadioControl saving but not not selecting radio.
I have experienced the same issue as experienced by Michael in his post
I have checked that the selected item remains set on the display during the execution of the onchange routine. I have tried including an explicit return value of both false and true, but this does not change the behaviour
For completeness, here is my version of Michael’s code which is very similar except I am populating the list from a list of posts
import { map } from 'lodash'; import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks'; import { withSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { RadioControl} from '@wordpress/components'; const cardIcon=<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <path d="..." /> </svg>; var PROPS; registerBlockType( 'xxxx/postcard', { title: 'Post Card', description: 'Summary card for page', icon: { foreground: '#7e70af', src:cardIcon }, attributes:{ post:{ value: '123' } }, example:{ attributes:{ post:123 } }, category: 'widgets', edit: withSelect( ( select, props ) => { PROPS=props; return { posts: select( 'core' ).getEntityRecords( 'postType', 'page', {per_page:-1, order:'asc', orderby:'title'} ), }; } )( ( { posts } ) => { const { attributes: { post }, setAttributes, className } = PROPS; if ( ! posts ) { return 'Loading...'; } if ( posts && posts.length === 0 ) { return 'No posts'; } var Options=[]; map(posts,(p) =>{ Options.push({label:p.title.raw,}); }); return ( <RadioControl label="Select page to be displayed" selected={post} options= {Options} onChange={ ( option ) => { setAttributes( { post: option } ); } } /> ); }), save: (props) => {return <RadioControl.content value={props.attributes} />;}, } );
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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