Hello Marius,
I am not sure I understand your reply at all.
So I don’t think we’ll be adding a link tag option (we’ve been removing them intentionally in the classic editor already), but this is a great area for a plugin to shine!
The ‘link tag’ option is already there, but the ‘target’ attribute cannot be added to the link wrapping an image, even using html edit. I can go to the classic editor, put in the target attribute in the text (html) mode, publish, and there it is in the rendered html. So, it’s not removed from the classic editor.
Just updated Gutenberg to 3.4.0 and in the release notes I see this:
Retain target=”_blank” on links in converted paragraphs
I’m able to add a target attribute to a link in a paragraph by editing in html, then switching back to the visual edit mode without any ‘This block has been modified externally.’ objections. The target attribute is retained and it did this in version 3.3.0 too. If it can be done for links in paragraphs, it should also be allowed in links wrapping images.
‘This block has been modified externally.’ is a silly message. Any edit within Gutenberg is surely not ‘external’!
An editor that automatically removes content added by the user is a huge step backwards for me. As for putting functionality back into Gutenberg using plugins, that just indicates the original is deficient.
I can understand having a ‘smart editor’ for users like ‘subscribers’, but not for ‘administrators’ who want, and need, maximum flexibility in creating content.
Not having this flexibility is what I find frustrating. I don’t need the developers of an editor dictating what I can and cannot have as content in my web page or post.