Gutenberg button visible
Hi, I noticed there suddenly is a Gutenberg button visible above the editor, that can be used to enable Gutenberg. Maybe this has to do with the latest WP update I did on this site? I could hide it through admin css, but I have dozens of client sites, and I’m not really lokking forward to do that with all of them after updating those WP’s.
Thanks for your report, we will look into it immediately!
@argosmedia I cannot seem to replicate the issue, please see this screenshot:
Could you show a screenshot with that button please?
I found out that it is unrelated to the latest WP update, and seems to be related to the WPBakery pagebuilder plugin. If I disable WP Bakery, the Gutenberg button doesn’t show up anymore.
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
I would like to suggest to take this up with the developers of that premium plugin as it clearly is something that they have added.
Thanks for your understanding.The thing is, I didn’t update WPBakery for quite a while, so that cannot be the cause. Only after the Classic Editor Addon was updated, it suddenly shows that button. But I see now that the Classic Editor plugin was also updated, so maybe that’s the one that causing this. I’ll ask around over there.
If you have a look at the main plugin file, you will see that the Classic Editor Addon plugin does not add anything:
- this function removes the settings (from the Classic Editor plugin)
- this function removes the styles that are loaded on the frontend
And at the top of the plugin file the WP Dependency Installer is included which enables the plugin to auto-install the main Classic Editor plugin on which our plugin depends.
I didn’t update WPBakery for quite a while, so that cannot be the cause.
I beg to differ as it certainly is something that WP Bakery adds to your site and it probably has been added by them more than a few versions ago already (think sometime 2018 around the introduction of the block editor).
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
Pieter Bos.
More proof that the button is in fact added by the WP Bakery plugin is the WP Bakery logo that shows on the Classic Mode button.
It would not make sense if we would add their logo to our plugin, would it now?
Hm… I use WP Bakery 5.7 (13.02.2019) on the site that I’m looking at. I see that the current version is 6.0.5. I’ll investigate further (also other sites I maintain) and give feedback about the outcome. Thanks for the support so far!
No, buttons are from Bakery of course, that’s why they disappear after disabling WPBakery. I never said you added them. I just said they suddenly appeared.
The blue button with the logo has always been there and also should be there because it links to the regular old editor (not Gutenberg). But the gray button with “Gutenberg editor” was never there. So I guess that previously the gray button was hidden or removed by Classic Editor. Somehow the update of Classic Editor changed something making the button appear, because that’s the only thing changed on the site. I already asked on that forum.
Setting the admin class ‘wpb_switch-to-gutenberg’ to invisible !important solves the problem. But I don’t feel like adding that to dozens of sites.
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
So I guess previously that button was hidden or removed by Classic Editor.
Looking through the code of the Classic Editor plugin it seems unlikely that they have added it, because they don’t speak of “Gutenberg” and use “Block Editor” instead throughout.
I had a look at a site of a client of mine who also has WP Bakery and there seems to be a setting to disable Gutenberg, could that work perhaps?
But I don’t feel like adding that to dozens of sites.
Look, I get that you don’t want to do all that work on a whole bunch of sites, but I don’t see why you would want to use our plugin as a “vessel” for a nuisance that has been implemented by another plugin, which is a premium plugin even.
I think it would be better to write them and ask them to add a condition that checks whether the Classic Editor plugin is active on a site and if it is that this Gutenberg button does not show.
Alternatively you could put together a file that contains the css and a function that adds that to the backend. If you were to upload that file as a wpmu (must-use) plugin, then you don’t need to activate it. Hopefully you have some kind of management tool in place that you can use to upload the wpmu plugin file to a whole bunch of sites.
Pieter, there’s really no need to act offended. I didn’t want to “use your plugin as a vessel for a nuisance caused by another plugin”. I was just following a train of thought that seemed logical to me.
The option in Bakery settings (that I didn’t know of) removes the Gutenberg button indeed, so thanks for pointing me in that direction. I never ever use the Bakery settings after building sites, as there is simply no need for it. That’s why I didn’t even come up with the idea of looking there for such an option.
I am not a coder so I cannot “put together a file that contains the css and a function that adds that to the backend”. Neither do I have a management tool to upload stuff to multiple sites at once. But that’s allright, I will just use the Bakery settings. That’s a bit more efficient than installing an admin-css plugin to the sites and pasting css to them.
Thanks again for your replies.
act offended?
Nah, not at all, simply trying to come up with alternative solutions to your pain-point.
Will keep your feedback in mind for a next time someone asks me something.
English is not my native language, but “I don’t see why you would want to use our plugin as a “vessel” for a nuisance that has been implemented by another plugin” sounded to me like you were offended. And your reply “Sure mate, whatever tickles your fancy.” sounds the same to me. Maybe offended isn’t the right word? Is “irritated” better? You came across as irritated, while at the same time you’re helping me. That’s a rather confusing attitude at least, and not something I expected when asking for help here.
Apart from that I have thanked you for your support multiple times.
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
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