• Resolved LEAX.SK


    Hello dear LiteSpeed Cache representative

    After updating to the newest version of LiteSpeed Cache plugin for WordPress and turning ON the guest mode the scheduled CRONs from WP All Import stopped working.

    After trying to debug – disable all options – the CRON imports are working again as intended.

    Enable Cache – OFF – the CRON imports are working again as intended.

    After Purge All – LSCache (clearing with other options didnt do anything) the scheduled CRONs work for one iteration , then they stop progressing.

    WP All import scheduled processing CRON URLs look like this for example:

    Processing URL (should run every 2 minutes): https://kociky-adoli.sk/wp-load.php?import_key=XXXXXX&import_id=19&action=processing`

    Ive tried:

    Do Not Cache URIs:

    Do Not Cache Query Strings:

    URI Excludes:

    Private Cached URIs:

    Nothing helps

    The only thing that works is to just turn OFF the guest mode altogether.

    When I visit the processing URL manually from incognito browser it works as intended for one iteration.

    Theres something bad with the cookies or whats the problem?
    How to make it work together?

    Thank you very much for your answer in forward.

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  • Plugin Support qtwrk



    what if you created a system cron job instead of using wp-cron ?

    like this tutorial

    Thread Starter LEAX.SK


    Hello qtwrk

    yes those are already system CRON that start that specific URL from WP All Import

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    just asking , does that WP All Import task take very long time to finish ? how long time it takes ?

    I confirm I have exactly same issue.

    Thread Starter LEAX.SK



    WP All Import has 2 CRONS:
    – first is trigger CRON – just to start the importing proces
    – second CRON is for processing – runs every 2 minutes for iteration etc.

    In total time imports can run even for hour and more – depending on the number of items.

    I think that one iteration of the processing CRON time limitation is dependent on max_execution_time (but I could be wrong) — so 30 , 60 , 120 seconds … depends on server settings

    Any idea how to overcome this problem and have Imports work alongside Guest mode?

    Hey, I got an answer from the WP All import dev and it seems to work for me, please go here:

    I went to LiteSpeed Cache ? Cache ? Excludes and added “export_id” in the “Do Not Cache Query Strings” section: https://d.pr/i/ERym8c, and it fixed the cron URLs.

    Let me know if works.

    Plugin Support qtwrk




    did @nvr21 way work for you ?

    Best regards,

    Hi, I have same issue. With guest mode enabled, import cron call doesn’t works. After deactivating the feature all back ok.
    Wp all import team suggests us some fix but didn’t works for me. Any news from Cache plugin?
    Thanks, Daniele

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    what if you exclude cache for all its related URL ?

    Hi qtwrk,

    I’m waiting for WP AllImport developer reply, in order to check some cron changes. We are try some workaround and I’ll update this thread asap.

    Thank you, Daniele

    @qtwrk Sorry for the late response.
    Actually, the issue still persists and I can confirm that guest mode is directly in conflict with cron.
    Waiting for your feedback.

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    okay , please create a ticket by mail to support at litespeedtech.com

    we will investigate further

    Hi qtwrk, we ended to try some workaround with wpallimport team to fix the issue, but all modifications to our crontab still fails. So, even in my case guest mode is not usable because conflict with cron.
    Thank you, Daniele

    Hi, I am running wp all import on cron with wp cli. Maybe this fixes your issue: wp all-import run <importID>

    Wp cli is faster and significantly more stable hence it’s not calling urls. Plus it needs no cron job for iteration running every 2 minutes.

    So no fix for that? Because i have same issue with WP All import and Litespeed..

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