• Resolved Noelle Steegs


    Hi, my understanding is that one should use gtag.js OR Google Tag Manager IF all tags are contained within Tag Manager, which is the case. Is it correct that the plugin is inserting both?

    I am also getting an error for gtag.js: “Invalid or missing account ID”.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi there, thanks for getting in touch. If you’ve connected the Analytics module the and allowed the plugin to insert your snippet the correct gtag snippet will be inserted.

    You can also connect the Google Tag Manager module if you wish, or manually insert your Google Tag Manager snippet. By doing so you may notice both an Analytics snippet and a Google Tag Manager snippet when checking your sites source code, this is normal.

    Note that if you’re using a Universal Analytics property tag within Google Tag Manager you’ll need to go through the Analytics setup flow within Site Kit to view Analytics data in the Site Kit dashboards.

    Let me know if you have any further queries on this and I’d be happy to assist.

    Thread Starter Noelle Steegs


    Hi James,

    Yes I did originally allow the GA module to insert the snippet, and I deactivated that function, but the snippet is still being inserted. Perhaps a caching issue, I’ll check.

    Site Kit is connected to GTM.

    I’ll revert soonest.

    Thread Starter Noelle Steegs


    After clearing cache issue persists.

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Sure, let us know if you run into any trouble and we’d be happy to investigate. I don’t see any analytics (UA-) reference on your site at present when checking the source code.

    Edit: We must have responded at the same time. Are you encountering the Analytics snippet on your site? I can see only a Tag Manager snippet placement at present.

    Thread Starter Noelle Steegs


    Hey @jamesosborne, that’s odd… Tag Assistant shows gtag.js and Tag Manager, but when I look in the source code for gtag.js I cannot find it.

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @noellesteegs . The Global Site Tag looks like the below:

    You’ll find out more here.

    From further inspection is also looks like your site is setup and configured correctly for both Analytics and Google Tag Manager. Let me know if you have any further questions on this



    @jamesosborne Do I need to insert the GA code into Google Tag Manager?

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    @moroboro It’s not required, Site Kit can place all the required snippets for you. There is no need to manually insert any tracking code. If you run into any issues be sure to get in touch. You can create a new support topic here.


    I am getting the same warning as Noelle did. I installed GTM with Google Site Kit, then I activated a GA4 tag in GTM. In tag assistant, I can see that GTM is firing correctly, but I am also getting gtag.js Invalid or missing account ID error, but I have not installed gtag.js. I also have allowed GSK to activate GA, then I deactivated it. @jamesosborne can you please tell me a way to remove gtag.js error?


    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @berkercimen. If you’d like to create a new support topic sure as per forum guidelines, we’d be happy to investigate this for you.

    Within your support topic please share your site URL, or preferably your Site Health information. If sharing your Site Health information you can do so privately if preferred via this form.

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