There is a proposal to make this possible via
However, at the moment you are correct. You should rather add the amp-analytics
tag to the page yourself with the desired configuration, rather than using the plugin’s analytics settings.
You can do this via:
function drlightman_print_amp_analytics() {
$is_amp = function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) && is_amp_endpoint();
if ( ! $is_amp ) {
<amp-analytics type="gtag" data-credentials="include">
// Standard/Transitional modes.
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'drlightman_print_amp_analytics' );
// Reader mode.
add_action( 'amp_post_template_footer', 'drlightman_print_amp_analytics' );
// The following will be unnecessary after <>.
function( $data ) {
$data['amp_component_scripts'] = array_merge(
'amp-analytics' => true,
return $data;
This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by
Weston Ruter.