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  • It looks like your image should go in the header div in your themes stylesheet:

    #header {
    background:#fff url('') no-repeat bottom;
    border:#fc9 0 solid;
    margin:0 auto;

    Replace that URL and see if that works for you. ??

    Thread Starter letricoteuse


    I have used that code, but it doesn’t work. This is what my header codes look like (click on it)

    In your theme stylesheet, look for the header div that I showed above. That code is in your stylesheet.

    Replace the url that is looking for header.png image with your image, knittingdailytop.png

    Thread Starter letricoteuse


    But my codes are written like this:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <head profile="">
    		<?php if (is_404())
    			_e('Error 404 - Not Found &raquo; ');
    		elseif (is_search())
    			_e('Search Results for ');
    			echo '“'.$s.'” &raquo; ';
    			wp_title(' ');
    		if(wp_title(' ', false)) echo ' &raquo; ';
    		bloginfo('name'); ?>
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php bloginfo('charset'); ?>" />
    	<meta name="generator" content="WordPress <?php bloginfo('version'); ?>" /> <!-- leave this for stats please -->
    	<meta name="author" content="Ajay D'Souza" />
    	<style type="text/css" media="screen">
    		@import url( <?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?> );
    	<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" />
    	<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="RSS .92" href="<?php bloginfo('rss_url'); ?>" />
    	<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom 0.3" href="<?php bloginfo('atom_url'); ?>" />
    	<link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo('pingback_url'); ?>" />
    	<?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly&format=link'); ?>
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/favicon.ico" />
    	<?php wp_head(); ?>
    <div id="rap">
    <div id="header">
    	<ul id="topnav">
    		<li><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>" id="navHome" title="Posted Recently" accesskey="h">Home</a> |
    		<li><a href="/?page_id=6/" id="navAbout" title="About the Author" accesskey="a">About</a> |
    				<li><a href="/?page_id=5/" id="navLinks" title="Recommended Links" accesskey="l">Links</a>
    	<h1><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
    	<div id="desc"><?php bloginfo('description');?></div>

    That is your header.php file.

    In your theme files, look for Stylesheet.

    That’s where you’ll find the #header information that calls to the image.

    Thread Starter letricoteuse


    I have the #header codes filled in with the correct address but the header area just shows up blank (see:

    This is the div id header in your header.php file:

    <div id="header">
    	<ul id="topnav">
    		<li><a href="" id="navHome" title="Posted Recently" accesskey="h">Home</a> |
    		<li><a href="/?page_id=6/" id="navAbout" title="About the Author" accesskey="a">About</a> |
    				<li><a href="/?page_id=5/" id="navLinks" title="Recommended Links" accesskey="l">Links</a>
    	<h1><a href="" title="Le Tricoteuse">Le Tricoteuse</a></h1>
    	<div id="desc"></div>

    That is all wrapped in a header div tag. The header div tag is defined in the stylesheet. This is how your deader div is defined in your stylesheet:

    #header {
    background:#fff url('') no-repeat bottom;
    border:#fc9 0 solid;
    margin:0 auto;

    It is looking for header.png image in that photobucket location. That needs to change in order for your image to appear, unless you just want to rename the image you want to have as your header (knittingdailytop.png) to “header.png”. That may actually be easier.

    Thread Starter letricoteuse


    AH! Thank you so much!!!!

    Ahh there it is. ??

    (don’t forget to mark resolved on your topic.)

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