• Resolved No3x


    Hi there.
    In my configuration I’ve created the caps REQ_A, REQ_B, REQ_unimportant.
    For the group “Registered” (which is maintained automatically) I’ve assigned the caps REQ_A & REQ_B.
    So far: each registered user should have assigned the caps REQ_A & REQ_B now.
    In my custom wordpress code in a plugin I call if (groups_post_access::user_can_read_post( $post->ID, $current_user_id )) === true ) { echo "access"; } else { echo "no access" }
    While debugging I noticed that nowhere the capabilities of the Registered group where merged into the “$read_caps” array.
    I’m using the wrong API-method?
    Thank you for any advice.


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  • Hi,
    please be sure you have used Groups_Post_Access::user_can_read_post instead of groups_post_access::user_can_read_post (case sensitive).
    Does your post (with id $post->ID) have theses caps as restrictions?

    Thread Starter No3x


    Sorry for my late response. The method name is corrected now. But the problem is still present.
    The Post hast the restriction REQ_A.
    In the user_can_read_post() method the variable $read_caps has the value:
    [0] => "REQ_A"
    Everything is fine so far.
    In the foreach each required post cap is checked against the users capabilities. The return value is always false.

    I was able to fix the problem with this patch: (the injectRegistered part)

    $user_capability_table  = _groups_get_tablename( "user_capability" );
                $limit = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $group_table" );
                if ( $limit === null ) {
                    $limit = 1;
                // note that limits by blog_id for multisite are
                // enforced when a user is added to a blog
                $user_groups = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare(
                    "SELECT group_id FROM $user_group_table WHERE user_id = %d",
                    Groups_Utility::id( $this->user->ID )
                ) );
    if($this->user->ID != 0) {
                // the previous statement only covers user<->group dependencies created by the groups plugin but not the 'registered' dependency because it is not stored in the database.
                $injectRegistered = new stdClass(); //use same return type as db layer
                $injectRegistered->group_id = 1; //group_id for 'registered' is always 1
                $user_groups[] = $injectRegistered;
                // get all capabilities directly assigned (those granted through
                // groups are added below
                $user_capabilities = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare(
                    "SELECT c.capability_id, c.capability FROM $user_capability_table uc LEFT JOIN $capability_table c ON c.capability_id = uc.capability_id WHERE user_id = %d",
                    Groups_Utility::id( $this->user->ID )
                ) );

    My plugin version is 1.3.11. Afaik there where no changes in this file in the new version. I can’t update to the newest version because I have to fill in the post restrictions by JS. I was not able to do this in the newest version because of the usage of selectize js lib.

    Thread Starter No3x


    I’ve found the cause of the problem. It was my fault because I’ve hidden/skpped the “Registered Group” in the backend. So Groups_User_Group::delete() was always called.

    Just want to say.

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