Hi @alexandre51 ,
Groups are basically to use bulk of FAQ’s in a single page. You cannot display a bulk of FAQ’s in a page using their category, but you can display it using their Group.
In a single group, you can have multiple categories. Category is just a taxonomy. You can assign similar FAQ’s to a particular category.
Say, you want to create some Frequently asked questions for various Hospitals. You create a group called “Hospital 1”. In the hospital 1, you can have various departments like Ortho Services, Neuro services, emergency services, etc.. which you create as a category and can add the FAQ’s of those particular categories. Now, you can use this group (using the group shortcode) and can add it in any page you want.
In the same way, you can have another group called “Hospital 2” and have those various categories and FAQ’s assigned to those categories. And use this group in any other page you want.
Coming to your questions,
1. To include a FAQ in a group, you just have to create a new FAQ group and keep adding FAQ’s in that group. This will generate a shortcode for that group that you can use anywhere to display that group.
2. You cannot change the group a FAQ belongs to. You can just to that FAQ group in “All FAQ groups” section and delete the FAQ that you don’t want to be in the group.
3. No, Groups works differently from a category.
I hope that answers your question . Please let me know if still have any confusion. I would be glad to help you.
Kind Regards.