• Hi, this is a great plugin for sorting uploads into directories!

    I wonder if you would consider enabling this plugin to put uploads into certain directories based on certain conditions, like this for example:

    * All image files (jpg, png, gif etc) go into /images
    * All doc files (doc, pdf, xls etc) go into /docs
    * All audio files (mp3 etc) go into /audio

    …and so on.

    So in other words, I’m able to specify which types of file (which conditions) are used, as well as the name of the folder/path that the files meeting each condition are placed in.

    I suppose that might mean having multiple path templates.

    This would allow a lot more control and customisation of where the files go, than what is currently possible.

    I know that there is now the %file_ext% variable, but this is not quite what I’m looking for – I don’t want a separate subfolder for jpg, gif, png, mp3 etc – I want to group some of these into just one subfolder, as that makes more sense for my particular needs. ??

    What do you think?

    (Even better still would be the ability to select, on-the-fly, which path/folder to upload a media file into, when it’s being uploaded, via a menu or something)



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