Grouping archives by year
Is there any way when using the get archives tag I can group say all of 2001, 2002 and 2003 in an annual archive and then just list entries for 2004 as normal using a monthly list.
Which is the best way of doing it?
I found a solution, please go here to read it:’d bookmark that for December ??
This has been updated into “plugin” form, which basically means that it’s the same exact thing as before, only with a few new little “kicks” and the whole “activate me” type deal. The new, updated version of this can be found here:
I might as well state that the above (^) is me. It should also be noted that if you want an example of what I’m talking about, you should refer to the “archives” links over to the right of my site. That’s a prime example of what they can look like with a little CSS style.
For folks who are not php hackers there is a much simpler solution. Start a new link category called last year. Put in twelve links to the last 12 months from the archives. Simple but effective. Combined labour cost is to add a new link and delete the old once a month.
My archives show up beautifully, but now I get errors with logging in, posting comments, writing posts, etc. unless I turn off the plugin.
The errror goes something like this:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/woppat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/cg_get-archives-by-year.php
I have the same issue with another plugin, which I also have disabled. Any idea of why or how to fix it?Oops. Nevermind.
Whitespace. All better now. Thanks again for this great plugin.Has anyone here got this up and running with Kubrick?
When i put everything in place and set it up as advertised, it get- and
around all years and months shown on my site ??
Hmma€|question. I really like what this plugin promises to do, but getting it to actually do that seems to be the problem. Ia€?d like to show the past four or five months of the current year (in this case, 2004), and then just link to the previous years (2003) without showing the months for them. Howevera€|setting the limit to four doesna€?t show the previous year at all; setting it higher (say, 24), shows 2003 months. How can I get it to show just the four or five most recent months, and then have year links for the rest?
2002teezeh: I e-mailed you after you left a comment on my site, but I have yet to receive a response from you. I’d like to know where you are placing the function call for this plugin so that I can help figure out what is going on. If you could please give me some more info, either here, or by email ( chuckg ET blindmuse DOT com ), I’d be happy to help you.
Valentine’s question / suggestion has led to a re-release of this plugin, version 3.0 with the added functionality and some fixed up queries to speed things up. The updated plugin can be found where it has been, at
Cheers.Fixed the issues about nested month listings and what have you, along with a few code modifications for sexier usage. Version 3.1 is available, as always, at
i’ve been trying to visit for this solution for 2 days now, and it’s been inaccessible. does anyone know of an alternate solution, or a more reliable location where the “group archives by year” solution could be found, meaning, other than at (i certainly understand about server limitation issues, chuckg, especially with re to popular topics.) have you considered posting this solution elsewhere? i certainly would love to try out your work.
I too have been trying to get this plugin without success. It seems that is down. Any other locations that people know about?
2 weeks later, i still haven’t had any luck. the only info on the web about this plugin seems to be at, which is still down. that’s a shame, because it’s a great piece of functionality. i wish i were a scripting genius and could come up with my own version.
however, for anyone truly desperate, try this. type:
“group-archives-by-year” blindmuse
into google.
go down to the search result that points directly to the page at where this plugin is supposed to befound, and find this line: 2004/03/31/group-archives-by-year/ – 22k – Supplemental Result – Cached – Similar pages
click on “Cached”.
it’ll hang when trying to load the Cached page. choose the option at the top of this new page that says “Click here for the cached text only.”
That’ll take you to Google’s text-only, April 30, 2004 archive version of that page. Given the datedness of the archive, I don’t know if the info found on this archive page would work in 1.5, but it might be worth a try, and maybe it’ll help someone.
Since ChuckG’s site seems to be down, I’ll mirror the php at my site unless I hear from him.
Get it here
Please note, while I use the plugin, I’ve barely looked at the actual code, let alone know enough about it to do any support.
Hope that helps anyway.
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