• Resolved Defix


    Grouped products quantity field display “Read more” button when product out of stock. How I can make changes to not cahnege input field to button, when product out of stock? Just display same quantity input field like stock items?

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  • Hi there,

    if you want some good help, please take time to describe your problem. If you want my help, please add some pictures how I should looks like and correct you misspelling and your sentences.


    Thread Starter Defix



    Default in Woocommerce a button is currently displayed instead of the quantity field, when the product is out of stock.
    I want to display quantity field even when product is out of stock. is it possible?

    I know, I can hide that with css and also rename a string, but I need to display it as in the earlier version.

    Here is a picture link: https://prnt.sc/l19eyj

    All Best

    Plugin Support Yuki K a11n.


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @defix,

    For the products that are out of stock, do you want the customer to be able to make back orders?If so, does the quantity field show if you change the product stock option to allow backorders?

    Link to image: https://cld.wthms.co/RTz6ma

    Thread Starter Defix


    Hi yukikatayama!

    Thank you for your reply. Not want to allow backorders. I just changed string(Read more) right now.

    All Best

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