First thank you for your feedback ??
Second, i’m amazed! Just made some tests on Multisite WP 3.6 / 3.5.2 with BP 1.8.1 and i have no 404 after submitting the settings form.
And what you describe is very strange, as to build the form action, i’m using a BuddyPress function that automatically output the url for regular or multisite configs. So i want to understand why on your config you have this weird behavior !! The url you pasted is not good at all, because it looks like a regular blog admin url, and i don’t use this kind of url in these configs (i use options.php thanks to the settings API).
The good url for the form action should be :
So i’d like you to give me feed back about what is going wrong with the BuddyPress core function bp_get_admin_url()
1/ let’s try some debugging, in /buddydrive/includes/admin/buddydrive-settings.php at line 430, try to add var_dump( bp_get_admin_url( 'settings.php' ) );
Then go to the BuddyDrive settings and at the top of the page, you should have something like :
string '' (length=51)
if nothing is displayed then, it’s very weird because it means is_multisite() is not working..
2/ if you don’t have the network term in the url, then change line 430 to :
var_dump( network_admin_url( 'settings.php' ) );
You should have the same result than at point 1, if you don’t have the network term in the url it’s weird again but it should be logic as BuddyPress is using this function in bp_get_admin_url().
3/ if after point 2 no network term in url, you can run a search in all your WordPress files
of add_filter( 'network_admin_url'
or add_filter('network_admin_url'
and if you have a result, you have a guilt, if not : wow !
Anyway, at the end you can fix the plugin by replacing the form action by the good url, but i’d rather find why it’s not working because, you’ll have this problem at each upgrade..
Finally, thank you for your german translation, i’ve posted this topic to explain some things about translations management i would be happy you are the first contributor ??
Please let me know about your trouble once you’ve tested point 1 to 3.