• Resolved zest83


    Yo Guys

    I’ve searched the forums flat, please if someone could assist. If you have multiple galleries on a page how do you get the images not to run into one another.

    For example im pulling easy fancy bok through revolution slider. I have several sliders on a page, for example slider # 1 shows images in lightbox and as you scroll through, the lightbox open slider #2’s images. Very frustrating.

    In settings it ses i can use the rel attribute to manually group image links together. I dont know how to do this, and if this would help solve my issue.

    Thanks so much in advance, much appreciated.

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  • Hi, in combination with the Revolution slider (or any other slider/gallery plugins) this can be very difficult if at all impossible… You might want to ask the Revolution slider people.

    Thread Starter zest83


    Hi Ravan

    Thank you for the response,

    So how would i group the images in normal wordpress gallery setup then, IE 2 galleries on the same page, so the images don’t run through the same light box when scrolling. The same problem occurs regardless of Revolution slider ?

    Thank you.

    With normal WordPress galleries, you can set the option “Autogallery: WordPress galleries only” on Settings > Media and all will be automatically kept separated.

    For more advanced configurations, you might need the FancyBox Pro extension which allows you to manually configure sections (by class or ID) which should be kept separate. If you can share a link to your site and tell me what you want exactly, I might be able to tell you if it is possible or not.

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