Nice site. I don’t know the specifics of your problem, but I did notice more had to change in 2.03, and the permalinks needed extra attention. From my experience, the following files to be changed:
* functions.php
* functions-formatting.php
* template-functions-general.php
* template-functions-link.php
The templating functions seem to be a new twist. I only include into functions.php, which are included in the other 3 files.
The permalinks require a 2 line change to replace strtodate() with code used in other functions elsewhere in WP.
More specifically, in file template-functions-links there is the following code around line 53:
$unixtime = strtotime($post->post_date);
$category = '';
if ( strstr($permalink, '%category%') ) {
$cats = get_the_category($post->ID);
$category = $cats[0]->category_nicename;
if ( $parent=$cats[0]->category_parent )
$category = get_category_parents($parent, FALSE, '/', TRUE) . $category;
$authordata = get_userdata($post->post_author);
$author = $authordata->user_nicename;
$date = explode(" ",date('Y m d H i s', $unixtime));
Looking at the first and last line in this fragment — you will be changing these:
First line to change:
$unixtime = strtotime($post->post_date);
==> change this to the following 2 lines (or it can be 1 line if you don’t like the $m variable):
$m = $post->post_date;
$fulltime = adodb_mktime(substr($m,11,2), substr($m,14,2), substr($m,17,2),substr($m,5,2), substr($m,8,2), substr($m,0,4));
Second line to change:
$date = explode(" ",date('Y m d H i s', $unixtime));
==> change this to the following 1 line:
$date = explode(" ",adodb_date('Y m d H i s', $fulltime));
Don’t know if this solves your problem, but it was definitely a problem for me. Usual disclaimers, base code, back everything up, etc., etc. Also I did a quick eyeballing of the differences, if this and changes in the other 3 files don’t do the trick, I can do a diff on the codebase.