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  • Thread Starter ernestg


    Alright, so I added:
    add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

    And it doesn’t seem to work. That should add the UI for it when I edit a post… correct? I just added it to the end of my functions.php.

    Also, just letting you know that the styling worked, and I’ll work on it more once I can figure out the thumbnails. That seems to be the last part. Thank you again for your time and patience.

    EDIT: So like I said, I only added the one line of code. In my mind a new UI box should come up for posting a thumbnail. Do I just use the featured image thing?

    Do I just use the featured image thing?

    yes – that’s the one.

    to output the post-thumbnail/featured image into the post, you can use the_post_thumbnail()

    for the next steps, can you paste the code of your template (could be loop.php?) into a and post the link to it here?

    Thread Starter ernestg


    Alright, so like I said I added:
    add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
    To my functions.php (

    Like I said, I’m under the impression that this single step makes the thumbnail option show up when creating a new post. I don’t see it after adding the code. Therefore… I cannot add a thumbnail.

    Hence, it seems like adding the code for actually outputting the thumbnail in the loop.php wont do anything.

    EDIT: Just to keep things rolling, I added the code you gave me to put into my loop.php Here it is

    Like I said, I’m under the impression that this single step makes the thumbnail option show up when creating a new post. I don’t see it after adding the code.

    click the ‘screen options’ tab near the top right of the ‘edit post’ page – tick (at least) the ‘featurd image’ box.

    I added the code you gave me to put into my loop.php Here it is

    my mistake – i was referring to the code of the front page loop – loop-grid.php (?).
    can you paste that?

    Thread Starter ernestg


    Sweet! Yeah, looks like it’s working!


    Just to let you know… I already have thumbnails for all of the games. They are all 100px x 100px. If that changes anything…

    if the thumbs are smaller than the post div, they will be tiled in the background – that is what i do in my site as well.

    to move the featured images into the background, change line 46 of loop-grid.php:
    <div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>


    <?php $bg_img = wp_get_attachment_image_src(               get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID) ); ?>
                  <div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?> <?php if( $bg_img ) { echo ' style="background-image: url(' . $bg_img . '); "'; } ?>>

    and remove line 67:

    <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>

    make a backup copy berfore editing.

    Thread Starter ernestg


    Alright, so I changed my code. Here it is.

    But, now my thumbnails disappeared and they’re not showing up at all. You think my background (which is an image in the style sheet) is overwriting it?

    my bad – made a mistake:

    this line (line 46):

    <?php $bg_img = wp_get_attachment_image_src(               get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID) ); ?>

    needs to be modified into:
    (the second short line needs to be added)

    <?php $bg_img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID) ); ?>
    <?php $bg_img = esc_attr($bg_img[0]); ?>

    and maybe edit the styles a bit:

    .col .post { height:220px; overflow:hidden; border: 1px dotted #fff; margin-bottom: 10px; }
    .col .post:hover { background:none!important; }

    made the posts smaller and added a line with a :hover effect.

    Thread Starter ernestg


    Alright, you can check the page now. I’m using thumbnails that are 100 x 100 but, they’re repeating across. I could just resize the entire column to 100 px in width but when I do it gets all weird… it does this

    I tried adding an additional column by doing this in the css

    /*optional style for last column - set the number to your chosen number of 
    #col-4.col { margin-right:0px; clear:right; }


    /*optional style for last column - set the number to your chosen number of 
    #col-5.col { margin-right:0px; clear:right; }

    But, it didn’t work…

    So now, can you tell me how to have 5 columns? And I’ll resize them to 100 x 100.

    Also, where do I go to add more posts to the page.

    Also, where do you recomend getting rid of “Posted on May 25, 2011 by adminLeave a comment” below every game title? Thanks so much! It’s coming along quite well.

    I tried adding an additional column by doing this in the css

    good idea – but there is also the number of columns to change in the code;
    line 35 of loop-grid.php ( ):

    <?php $num_cols = 4; // set the number of columns here

    for more than 20 posts, either change it in the ‘settings’ ‘reading’ in your dashboard;

    or add this into line 12 of the loop-grid.php ( ):

    <?php global $query_string; query_posts( $query_string .'&posts_per_page=20'); //set number of posts ?>

    change some styles, for example:

    .col { float:left; width: 110px; padding:5px;
    margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px;
    overflow:hidden; }       
    #col-1 { margin-left:5px; }       
    #col-5.col { margin-right:0px; clear:right; }

    the rest is fine-tuning of margins, paddings, font-sizes, etc.

    imho, it gets quite difficult to read and recognize, if the squares are getting too small.

    Also, where do you recomend getting rid of “Posted on May 25, 2011 by adminLeave a comment”

    remove line 50 to 61 of loop-grid.php ( ):

    <div class="entry-meta">
                                            printf( __( '<span class="meta-prep meta-prep-author">Posted on </span><a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">%3$s</span></a> <span class="meta-sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="%4$s" title="%5$s">%6$s</a></span>', 'twentyten' ),
                                                    esc_attr( get_the_time() ),
                                                    get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ),
                                                    sprintf( esc_attr__( 'View all posts by %s', 'twentyten' ), get_the_author() ),
                                    ?><span class="comments-link"><?php comments_popup_link( __( 'Leave a comment', 'twentyten' ), __( '1 Comment', 'twentyten' ), __( '% Comments', 'twentyten' ) ); ?></span>
                            </div><!-- .entry-meta -->

    Thread Starter ernestg


    Okay, looks like I’m almost done! So close, the next thing is only 3 things that bother me but, are not necessarily necessary.

    1. The background color of the title font to be spread across the entire line. (Just how you have your’s on your website)

    2. The image to be clickable to get to the post. Only clicking the title now get’s me to the post.

    3. The title to be up at the top, not down like 10px or whatever it is.

    for 1) and 3):
    in the styles, change this:

    .col h2.entry-title a {background-color: black; font-size: 12px; } /*title*/


    .col h2.entry-title a { font-size: 12px; display: block; height:100px; width:100px; } /*title*/
    .col h2.entry-title a span {background-color: black; display: block; width: 100px; padding: 5px 0; }
    .col h2.entry-title { margin-top: 0; }

    for 2) edit the template file; find:

    <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php printf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', 'twentyten' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>

    and add a span tag around the post title, by changing it to:

    <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php printf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', 'twentyten' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>" rel="bookmark"><span><?php the_title(); ?></span></a></h2>

    Thread Starter ernestg


    I did 1 and 3 but, 1 doesn’t work still…
    The background color doesn’t show… I’m going to try number 2 now, I’ll keep you updated.

    EDIT: The template file is…?

    Thread Starter ernestg


    Alright, I added the span tag around the post title in loop-grid.php and that actually fixed the background color as well. Now, the last thing I would like to change is just when I hover over the image I would like it to say “Play (Title of Game)” instead of “Permalink to (Title of Game)”.

    that is in the same line that you just edited (the code below shows an old version before the addition of the span – so the real line is similar):

    <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php printf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', 'twentyten' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>

    see the section 'Permalink to %s', in there ?

    replace it with 'Play %s',

    if you like, you can create a 100*100px image for the background with a ‘play now’ logo;
    for instance a play_now.png
    save it as
    (alongside your other theme image files)

    then edit this line in the styles:
    .col .post:hover { background:none!important; }

    .col .post:hover { background: url(!important; }

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