It sounds like you’ve already used your complimentary API support token for another topic? If this is true you can purchase support tokens for additional topics at the website.
Each token is valid for a single support topic.
If you’re having trouble with layout it’s almost always due to theme CSS. I would advise the following to test.
1. Disable any NON Store WPEC plugins
2. Switch to a default wordpress theme such as 2010 -2012
3. Clear the store Theme Cache by going to SETTINGS > STORE > PRESENTATION (tab). It will be in the right column part way down the page. DO not skip this step or you may not clear the problem you are seeing.
4. Test your store.
Grid View at tomes does require some CSS tinkering to look best depending on the theme you have decided to use. This is common since all themes have different widths to their content blocks and also have CSS such as margins and padding that can interfere with the Grid CSS.