• Resolved tipofmytongs


    Hello friends,

    I’m completely new to WordPress and finding some things harder than expected. I installed the Cubic theme primarily for the clean-looking grid feature…but my test posts are showing as a list on the homepage and blog page.

    The featured images are showing above each post title, it’s just that the page is not formatted as expected.

    If I click on the author name to show all posts from that author, it does show the three test posts in the grid format as expected.

    Apologies in advance for my idiocy…but what have I (not) done?

    Warm wishes from the Netherlands!

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  • Moderator James Huff


    What’s the URL of the site with the problem?

    Thread Starter tipofmytongs


    Hi James,

    Thank you so much for your reply. I’ve just realised I’ve posted this on www.remarpro.com, but I have a managed site, so will redirect my question to the wordpress.com forums.

    Thank you for your time, and apologies for the confusion!

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