• mrcharcoal


    I’m trying to create a grid of images each with a custom external link. I’m using WPBakery Grid Builder and pulling in the featured image as the background and pulling the URL in from a custom field. I can get the URL to display as text, but not as a link.

    Is there anyway to use that url field as a link? Ideally it’d be the link for the whole image, but at the very least is there a way to use the URL field as a text link?

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  • Hello, I’m in the same problem.
    Did you find something ?

    Plugin Author Frederik Rosendahl-Kaa


    Sorry for the late response.

    It is not possible to display a URL field as text by default in this plugin.
    But there is a built-in filter hook that allows you to change the output.

    function acfvc_change_url_field_output ( $output, $field, $post_id ) {
        return  $field["value"];

    There is also such a hook to change how the image and gallery field output is.

    function acfvc_change_image_field_output ( $output, $field, $post_id ) {
        return  $output;
    function acfvc_change_gallery_field_output ( $output, $field, $gallery_options, $post_id ) {
        return  $output;

    I hope this can help you a little, and if not then just write again

    Best regards

    I’m not sure, but I think that @mrcharcoal isn’t using the gallery from ACF, he’s building the gallery with the Wpbackery and wants to use a URL that is in a custom field in the thumbnail image.

    The Grid Builder has an option Add Link gif and would be awesome to be able to select the custom field there.

    That’s a Wpbackery limitation, maybe there’s a hook of filter that could help us to achieve that.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by carmolim.
    Thread Starter mrcharcoal


    Thank you @frederik-rosendahl-kaa. That’s beyond my current skills, but thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I’ll look into it.

    Yes, I’m using Grid Builder to pull in custom post types with custom fields. One of the fields is “URL”. When in Grid Builder, it’d be nice to be be able to apply that URL field under Add link in the Hover Settings.

    For now, I was able to use ACF-VC to bring that field in as a text link, and then use CSS to skin it into a button. But it’d be nice to clear up room and have the whole block be a link.


    @mrcharcoal I think you can style that button to fill the entire box to simulate a link in the background image.

    I’m using the WP-bakery in a post-masonry grid and I need an ACF link to work for the all grid elements using the Grid element template.
    Does someone know how to work this ?

    [edit : I have put a acf-vc integrator link under the image, but it is not what I need… I need to put the url link using a shortcode or something in the “Grid element template” url/link.]

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by waldobug.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by waldobug.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by waldobug.

    Hello again,
    I found something quite good :
    I’m using the Grid Editor and putting a acf link field on hover. nd that is ok. But what is shown is the link (the url) and not the title of the link… Something I dont do well or it’s not possible ?

    @waldobug i am in the same situation, need to create a Grid Builder template that use a custom field as link :s

    Plugin Author Frederik Rosendahl-Kaa


    Hi every one,

    I apologize for not being very active on this support thread. My day job has required a little more of my time at the moment.

    But I’ll have a look at it today or hopefully by tomorrow and get a look through all your comments.

    And see if I can help you.

    with best regards

    Thank you very much for your support, we really appreciate that!

    Regards from Italy,

    Plugin Author Frederik Rosendahl-Kaa


    Hi everyone, I finally got some time and looked through your comment.

    I’ve researched the suggestion @carmolim suggests with getting a custom field added to the grid builder “add link” option https://gifyu.com/image/drj2
    It is something that should be possible for me to do but requires some time and a bit more research.
    But this is something I will set on my todo list.

    @waldobug you write you need a shortcode, all elements of Wpbakery are created as a shortcode, so it should be possible to create a new page/post and insert the element you need using Wpbakery and then switch to WordPress default editor and then you should have a shortcode you can use.

    But I also set it on my todo list that some shortcodes should be added, which can be used without Wpbakery or at least a place where you can see them so you can insert them without Wpbakery.

    I’m trying to find some time so I can get it resolved as soon as possible, but I don’t want to put any time estimate on it as these times are a bit crazy.

    I hope you can understand it.

    Best regards

    @frederik-rosendahl-kaa good to know! I think that this addition will bring a lot of value to the plugin!


    Hi @mrcharcoal

    I have managed to pull the link as a hyperlink onto the grid builder, however the link text is the URl not ‘Register’ like i need it to be.I can style it like a button in CSS but still have the issue with the link.

    What have you done your end to get your own copy in the link text? I can’t see anything on the actual Advanced custom field? and the field on the ACF-VF doesn’t seem to pull through to my link on the page?


    Thread Starter mrcharcoal


    Hello @lindseyt79

    I just hid the url link and used a:after to replace it with fixed text:
    .buttonclass a:link, .button:visited {font-size: 0px;}
    .buttonclass a:after {font-size: 16px; content: ‘Register’;}

    Now I’m guessing there are far better solutions by better developers (especially to hide the url)… but hey, it worked!

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