Hi, @davidbega!
Thanks for your feedback.
The $26 fee you’re referring to is a first-year introductory rate for new customers, specifically for Gallery Basic, the subscription tier with the fewest addons and features we offer (compared to three other tiers).
You have a Gallery Silver subscription, which is no longer offered but is maintained for existing users, of course. Gallery Silver is the equivalent of what we now call Gallery Plus (same addons, same features, more than Basic offers). Gallery Plus actually costs more than the grandfathered-in rate that is available to you as a long-time Silver user ($69 versus your $49).
I’m sorry you think we’re greedy — we’re not trying to price-gouge anyone — but that opinion might have been formed on the back of a misunderstanding, as we’re offering you a reduced rate relative to Gallery Plus, which, again, is an identical product.
If you change your mind and opt to renew, you’ll still have the $49 price point; it won’t go up to $69.
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
atdugan. Reason: Missed a word
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by