I have few problems about Hestia. I need to solve the following issues;
1) Multilingual website: I use Polylang plugin with Hestia. However, the theme and the plugin are not compatible. I see very few sentences at the sentence translation section in Polylang. Sentences that are available to translate, were decreased after the 1.1.37 . I want to translate whole website entirely.
In addition, another issue with Polylang is the title attribute at language switcher of Polylang. You may look at title attribute of switcher at top-right of website. There is html title attribute and I want to change it.
2) Copyright: This is free theme. I know that but I want to change copyright. I would do that before. Now, I can not find where is the copyright code. I want to change it.
My website: pidata.web.tr
Could you please help me about these issues?
Thank you in advance.